Year 4

The Christian Church in Aksum

I can describe the early Christian kingdom of Aksum and how historians have learnt about it.

Year 4

The Christian Church in Aksum

I can describe the early Christian kingdom of Aksum and how historians have learnt about it.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Christian Churches did not just emerge in the Western Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire.
  2. In Aksum, an important trading kingdom near the Red Sea, Christianity became the dominant religion in the 4th century.
  3. Sources such as coins, Ezana's stela and the Ezana Stone, suggest that this took place during the rule of King Ezana.
  4. In Ethiopia today, many Aksumite churches have been found carved into rocky mountainsides.
  5. Inside these churches the walls are covered with beautiful paintings of Christian stories.

Common misconception

Christianity is a Western religion.

Christianity originated in the Middle East and quickly spread across various regions, including Africa.


  • Trade - people trade by buying or selling items they need or want

  • Missionary - a missionary is a religious person who is sent to other places to tell others about that religion

For learning cycle 3, explore creating art in a cave by sticking paper to the underside of children's desks and asking them to recreate the art of the Aksumite rock-cut churches.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Christianity started in in the Middle East.
Correct answer: Judea
Match the word to the description of the treatment of early Christians.
Correct Answer:persecution,treated badly and unfairly because of their Christian faith

treated badly and unfairly because of their Christian faith

Correct Answer:scapegoats, Christians were blamed for others' mistakes and wrongdoings

Christians were blamed for others' mistakes and wrongdoings

Correct Answer:martyr,person who died or suffered rather than give up their Christian belief

person who died or suffered rather than give up their Christian belief

Match the emperor to the statement that describes them best.
Correct Answer:Constantine,first Christian emperor

first Christian emperor

Correct Answer:Diocletian,persecuted Christians

persecuted Christians

Correct Answer:Justinian,created a code of law and ordered his people to be Christian

created a code of law and ordered his people to be Christian

The bishop of Rome, also known as the , was believed to have supremacy over the Christian Church as a whole.
Correct Answer: pope, Pope
In the Byzantine Empire, the Church developed.
Roman Catholic
Correct answer: Eastern Orthodox
Latin Catholic
Western Orthodox
The Byzantines considered themselves to be and .
Correct answer: Roman
Correct answer: Christians

6 Questions

Complete the sentence. A religious person who is sent to tell others about that religion is called a .
Correct Answer: missionary, misionary, missionery
True or false: Christianity stayed in the Roman Empire.
Correct answer: False
Where was the Kingdom of Askum located?
In present-day Greece
In present-day Italy
Correct answer: In present-day Ethiopia
In present-day India
In what century is it believed that the missionary Frumentius arrived in Askum to spread Christianity there?
3rd century
Correct answer: 4th century
5th century
6th century
Which of these archaeological sources tell the story of King Ezana's conversion to Christianity?
Aksumite coins
King Ezana’s stele
Correct answer: the Ezana stone
What evidence shows us that Christianity continued in Askum after King Ezana's reign?
Correct answer: churches carved into mountains
excavated Christian artefacts
ruins of a large church in the city centre
scrolls found in caves

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