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  1. In this lesson, we will learn about how the League of Nations was part of Woodrow Wilson's plan to prevent future wars in Europe. Through this lesson we will learn about the aims and the structure of the League of Nations and we will evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.


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5 Questions

What does self-determination mean?
A country that is ruled over by another more powerful country.
Correct answer: An ethic group which rules itself, rather than being ruled over by another country.
Someone who is really sure that they are going to achieve something.
Which country out of the 'Big Three' believed the most in self-determination?
Correct answer: USA
Which country was given a 'corridor' to the sea, by gaining land which had belonged to Germany?
Correct answer: Poland
Which of these statements is not true?
Britain and France took over governing Germany's colonies in Africa.
Britain and France were self-interested and did not always agree with self-determination.
Correct answer: India was given self-determination at the end of the First World War.
People in northern Czechoslovakia wanted to be part of Germany.
Why was it difficult to organise self-determination in Europe?
Empires such as the Austro-Hungarians were still too powerful to be broken up.
Most people in Europe did not want self-determination.
Correct answer: There were people of lots of different ethnicities all over Europe and it was impossible to separate them all out to be governed by themselves.

5 Questions

Whose idea was the League of Nations?
Britain (David Lloyd George)
France (George Clemenceau)
Correct answer: USA (Woodrow Wilson)
Which of these options was NOT an aim of the League of Nations?
Correct answer: Consider how else Germany could be punished for the First World War.
Improve people's lives and jobs.
Stop war.
Uphold and enforce the Treaty of Versailles.
How often did the Assembly of the League of Nations meet?
Once per five years.
Once per month.
Once per two years.
Once per week.
Correct answer: Once per year.
Why was it difficult for the Assembly to make decisions?
All of the 42 member states spoke over each other all the time, so no-one could hear what anyone was saying to make a decision.
Correct answer: Each member state had an equal vote, and each decision had to be agreed by all member states.
Each member state had to vote, and often some were not present, so the decision had to be left until the next meeting.
Which of these statements was a STRENGTH of the League of Nations?
Germany not being allowed to be a member.
The aim of Germany being made to stick to disarmament agreements.
Correct answer: The campaigns for improving lives did much to improve difficult situations across the world.
The League could sometimes pressurise small states to do what they wanted (but not powerful ones).