Year 7

Eleanor of Aquitaine and the end of Henry II's reign

I can describe the later years of Henry II's reign and his handling of succession.

Year 7

Eleanor of Aquitaine and the end of Henry II's reign

I can describe the later years of Henry II's reign and his handling of succession.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Henry announced how his empire would be divided upon his death in an attempt to secure peace and stability.
  2. Henry’s sons did not want to wait for future power; they wanted power now.
  3. Henry's wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine, conspired with their sons in revolt against Henry.
  4. Henry’s sons continued to rebel during the last years of his reign.
  5. Henry’s succession planning had been a disaster.

Common misconception

Medieval queens had little influence.

Eleanor was an intelligent and powerful queen, acted as regent, and was a key conspirator of the revolt.


  • Succession - succession is the process in which someone automatically inherits a position or property after someone else

  • Revolt - to revolt is to rebel or take violent action against a ruler

  • Conspire - to conspire is to secretly plot or plan together

  • Regent - a regent is a person who rules a country for a limited period, because the monarch is absent or too young, too ill

  • Heir - an heir is a person who expects to inherit the property or position of another when that person dies

A simple diagram can be worth a thousand words. Henry had many heirs, and there are many conspirators involved in the revolt against him. Map their names, and their connections, on a simple flow chart to ease cognitive load.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

True or false? Henry had his son Henry the Young King crowned king of England early to secure a peaceful succession.
Correct answer: True
What action did Thomas Becket take upon landing in Kent after his return to England?
He declared himself the new king
Correct answer: He excommunicated the bishops involved in Henry the Young King's coronation
He organised a grand celebration
True or false? Following the murder of Thomas Becket, the Pope excommunicated Becket.
Correct answer: False
What does Henry's public act of penance reveal about the power of the Church during the medieval period?
Correct answer: Even powerful monarchs like Henry felt they needed to seek forgiveness
It had no impact on the actions of kings and rulers
Religion was a personal matter for monarchs
How did the Pope's support after 1172 affect Henry's position?
It made him more dependent on the English Church
Correct answer: It strengthened his position and authority
It weakened his rule and authority
Match the key words with the correct definitions.
Correct Answer:excommunicated,to be expelled from the Catholic Church by the Pope

to be expelled from the Catholic Church by the Pope

Correct Answer:martyr,someone who dies for their beliefs

someone who dies for their beliefs

Correct Answer:penance ,to punish yourself to seek God’s forgiveness for a sin

to punish yourself to seek God’s forgiveness for a sin

Correct Answer:cathedral,a large and impressive church; contains the seat of a bishop

a large and impressive church; contains the seat of a bishop

6 Questions

Match Henry II's son with their correct inheritance.
Correct Answer:Henry the Young King,king of England

king of England

Correct Answer:Richard ,Duke of Aquitaine

Duke of Aquitaine

Correct Answer:Geoffrey ,Brittany


Correct Answer:John,did not inherit significant lands

did not inherit significant lands

What character trait did all of Henry II's sons inherit from their father?
Correct answer: hot temper
Who conspired in the revolt against Henry II, along with Eleanor of Aquitaine and her sons?
Correct answer: King of France
The Pope
Thomas Becket
What did Richard and John do after the deaths of Henry the Young King and Geoffrey?
Correct answer: they continued to rebel against Henry II
they decided to accept Henry II succession plans
they went into hiding
What role did Eleanor of Aquitaine play after her release from prison?
she actively supported Henry II
Correct answer: she encouraged Richard to revolt again
she urged Richard to seek Henry II’s forgiveness
How did Henry II react when he was forced to surrender to Richard from his deathbed?
he expressed his love for Richard
he pleaded for mercy
Correct answer: he whispered a desire for revenge
he whispered words of encouragement

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