Year 8

James II's troubled early reign

I can explain why James II's early reign was so troubled.

Year 8

James II's troubled early reign

I can explain why James II's early reign was so troubled.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In 1685, the Catholic James II succeeded Charles II; his succession was smooth despite England being Protestant.
  2. Soon after, James II had to defeat the Monmouth Rebellion which sought to depose him due to his Catholic beliefs.
  3. James II expanded the size of the army and appointed Catholics to important positions without Parliament's agreement.
  4. James II also attempted to bring greater freedoms to Catholics in England through the Declaration of Indulgence in 1687.
  5. The birth of James' son in 1688 scared his opponents about a possible Catholic succession.

Common misconception

Only children of the monarch are next in line for the throne, not siblings.

As Charles II did not have any legitimate children, his heir was his brother, James II.


  • Parliament - an assembly of people with authority to make laws for a country

  • Anglican - a person who believes in the faith and practices of the Church of England

  • Rebellion - an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader

Students could research James II's role in the trade of enslaved Africans through his involvement in the Royal African Company in order to help make links with other important events at this time.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which word describes an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader?
Correct answer: rebellion
Which word describes an assembly of people with authority to make laws for a country?
Correct answer: parliament
Which of the following was very important to early modern societies?
social media
Correct answer: religion
Correct answer: monarchy
Put the following events and time periods in chronological order.
1 - Medieval
2 - Early modern
3 - 19th century
4 - World War One
5 - World War Two
In 1685, James II became King of England. What century did this happen in?
Correct Answer: 17th, 17th century, 17th Century, 17th c, 17th C
Put the following English monarchs in order of who reigned earliest.
1 - Henry VIII
2 - Elizabeth I
3 - James I
4 - Charles I
5 - Charles II
6 - James II

6 Questions

Which keyword describes a person who believes in the faith and practices of the Church of England?
Correct Answer: Anglican, anglican
What religion was James II when he came to the throne in 1685?
Correct Answer: Catholic, catholic
Complete the sentence with the missing two words: James II had to defeat both the __________ Rebellion in Scotland and __________ Rebellion in the south of England in June 1685.
Correct answer: Argyll
Correct answer: Monmouth’s
What did the Declaration of Indulgence in 1687 introduce?
Correct answer: ended the punishment of people who did not publicly support the Anglican Church
punished people who did not publicly support the Catholic Church
Correct answer: allowed people to worship however they wanted in their own homes
did not allow non-Anglicans to gain employment in the government
Correct answer: allowed non-Anglicans to gain employment in the government
What was significant about 10th June 1688?
James' wife gave birth to a Protestant male heir.
Correct answer: James' wife gave birth to a Catholic male heir.
James' wife gave birth to a Protestant female heir.
James' wife gave birth to a Catholic female heir.
How many rebels were executed following the 1685 rebellions?
Correct answer: 250

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