Simon de Montfort and the First Parliament
I can explain the struggle between the king and the barons and the introduction of parliament.
Simon de Montfort and the First Parliament
I can explain the struggle between the king and the barons and the introduction of parliament.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Since Magna Carta, a special meeting of barons and bishops had become known as parliament.
- Simon de Montfort confronted Henry in parliament because he was not keeping to the aims of Magna Carta.
- Simon de Montfort established the First Parliament.
- Simon de Montfort was eventually defeated in the Battle of Evesham.
- Henry III was restored to power, he accepted some of the baronial demands and ruled more with parliament.
Parliament - parliament, or talking meeting, is the group of political representatives who make laws, grant taxes and advise the king
Government - a government is the group of people who officially control a country
Council - a council is a group of people chosen to make decisions on a particular subject
Knightly class - the knightly class is the group of landholders beneath the barons
Common misconception
Parliament is a powerful organisation that rules the country.
At this point in history, the role of parliament was to advise the king.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
- Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions
a willing agreement of all the people involved
group of people who have a high rank in the feudal system
refers to the nobles who were born in England