Year 9

Britain and the Napoleonic Wars

I can explain how Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the involvement of Britain in the Napoleonic Wars led to his ultimate downfall.

Year 9

Britain and the Napoleonic Wars

I can explain how Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the involvement of Britain in the Napoleonic Wars led to his ultimate downfall.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Royal Navy defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
  2. Napoleon coerced countries like Russia into a 'continental system' which banned trade with Britain.
  3. Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812 but this invasion was a failure.
  4. Napoleon was defeated and sent into exile.
  5. Napoleon returned from exile but was defeated a second time at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Common misconception

Napoleon was only exiled once.

Napoleon was exiled twice. The first time to Elba after his defeat in Russia. He escaped back to France and gained support from his old troops and took power once more. He was defeated at Waterloo and exiled for the final time to St Helena.


  • Navy - the navy refers to a country’s military force based at sea

  • Economy - the economy refers to the ways a country makes money and how much money it is making

  • Smuggling - smuggling involves trading goods in secret to avoid paying taxes

  • Abdication - abdication refers to a ruler giving up their power.

  • Exile - exile means being sent away from your home country as punishment

This lesson focuses on cause and effect. Each event causes the next and it is important that students understand the chronologically significant events of Napoleon's later career.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of upsetting content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What were the ideals of the French Revolution that Napoleon was trying to spread?
Correct answer: liberty
Correct answer: equality
Correct answer: fraternity
Napoleon sold French land in America under the Louisiana purchase in 1803 for how much money?
$1.5 million
Correct answer: $15 million
$150 million
Match the events with the years they occurred.
Correct Answer:Napoleon seized power from the Directory,1799


Correct Answer:The Louisiana Purchase,1803


Correct Answer:Napoleon crowned himself Emperor,1804


The alliance of the Third Coalition against Napoleon consisted of Austria, Russia and ...
Correct Answer: Britain, britain, england, England
What was the modern legal framework called, which replaced France's medieval feudal laws?
Code Francais
Code Feudal
Correct answer: Code Napoleon
Put the following events in chronological order, starting with the earliest:
1 - Napoleon seized power from the Directory and makes himself First Consul
2 - Napoleon sold French territory in America to the USA (the Louisiana Purchase)
3 - Napoleon crowned himself Emperor

6 Questions

Which term means being sent away from your home country as punishment?
Correct answer: exile
Which option best describes the Continental System?
designed to make Britain poorer by allowing Britain to trade freely
Correct answer: designed to make Britain poorer by preventing countries from trading with them
designed to make Britain poorer by ensuring it had to lower its prices
Roughly how many soldiers did Napoleon lead into Russia?
5000 (five thousand)
50 000 (fifty thousand)
Correct answer: 500 000 (five hundred thousand)
5 000 000 (five million)
France was defeated by Britain at the Battle of Trafalgar, along with which of their allies?
Correct Answer: Spain, spain, the spanish
Put these events into chronological order, starting with the earliest:
1 - Napoleon allied with Spain.
2 - France and Spain were defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar.
3 - Napoleon imposed the Continental System on Europe.
4 - Napoleon invaded Russia.
5 - Napoleon was exiled to Elba.
6 - Napoleon returned and was defeated at Waterloo by Wellington.
7 - Napoleon was exiled to St Helena.
Match the places listed below with their geographical locations:
Correct Answer:Russia,on the borders of Eastern Europe

on the borders of Eastern Europe

Correct Answer:Elba,off the coast of Nothern Italy

off the coast of Nothern Italy

Correct Answer:St Helena,in the South Atlantic Ocean

in the South Atlantic Ocean

Correct Answer:Waterloo,in Belgium

in Belgium

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