Year 9

Victims and perpetrators

I can assess different experiences of and responses to the Holocaust.

Year 9

Victims and perpetrators

I can assess different experiences of and responses to the Holocaust.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Six million Jews from many different backgrounds were murdered during the Holocaust.
  2. Many people acted as perpetrators during the Holocaust.
  3. Many more people knew about the Holocaust but did not intervene.
  4. There were Holocaust perpetrators and collaborators across Europe.

Common misconception

Only German Nazis were involved in the Holocaust.

Examples such as the Vel' d'Hiv Raid in France, carried out in 1942, show that other Europeans collaborated and helped to perpetrate the Holocaust.


  • Collaborator - a person or group who works together with others for a particular purpose

  • Perpetrator - someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act

  • Bystander - in the context of the Holocaust, a person who did not intervene to help Jews or resist their persecution

Tell students that it was not until 1995 that the French government accepted responsibility and apologised for the Vel' d'Hiv Raid. Ask whether they find this surprising and why they think it took the French so long to do so.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of serious crime
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What name did the Nazis give to their plans to murder all European Jews?
Correct Answer: 'Final Solution', the 'Final Solution', the Final Solution, Final Solution
Write the missing word. Gas chambers were constructed in camps like Belzec.
Correct Answer: extermination
What happened to the number of Jewish people living under Nazi rule during the first two years of World War Two (WW2)?
Correct answer: increased
remained the same
How many factories did the Nazis set up in Lodz ghetto?
Correct Answer: 96, ninety six
Roughly how many Holocaust victims were murdered outside of gas chambers?
Correct answer: 50%
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
1 - Nazis gained power in Germany
2 - Nuremberg Laws introduced
3 - Outbreak of WW2
4 - First ghettos set up
5 - First extermination camps established

6 Questions

Which word best describes a guard involved in shooting or gassing Jews at extermination camps during the Holocaust?
Correct answer: perpetrator
The Holocaust murdered Jews of what age?
working age Jews
Jewish children
elderly Jews
Correct answer: Jews of all ages
Which country did the Vel' d'Hiv Raid take place in?
Correct answer: France
Which statement about Rudolf Höss is most accurate?
He carried out his job only because he feared being punished.
Many people described him as mentally unwell.
Correct answer: He accepted the Nazi belief that there was an international Jewish conspiracy.
Identify the most appropriate example of a Schreibtischtäter.
Rudolf Höss
Auschwitz guards
Correct answer: IG Farben bosses
Théophile Larue
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
1 - Nazis rose to power in Germany.
2 - Jewish emigration from Germany to France increased.
3 - Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany.
4 - France was -defeated and partially occupied by Germany.
5 - Vel' d'Hiv Raid

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