Year 9

The Russian Revolution: did communism completely transform Russian society? 

Lessons (6)

  • I can describe the political thought of the philosopher Karl Marx and explain its influence on European politics.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • I can explain why tsarist rule in Russia came to an end in February 1917.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • I can explain how the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia and the immediate impact of their rise to power.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • I can explain the course of events and impacts of the Russian Civil War.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • I can assess the extent of political and economic change which took place in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video
  • I can assess the extent of difference between tsarist Russia and Soviet Russia.
    1 Slide deck
    1 Worksheet
    2 Quizzes
    1 Video