Year 9

Karl Marx and communism

I can describe the political thought of the philosopher Karl Marx and explain its influence on European politics.

Year 9

Karl Marx and communism

I can describe the political thought of the philosopher Karl Marx and explain its influence on European politics.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The philosopher Karl Marx developed an influential theory about communism.
  2. Marx concluded that the working classes were exploited by those who owned property.
  3. Marx described the workers as the proletariat and the property-owners as the bourgeoisie.
  4. Marx envisioned this class conflict would end in revolution.
  5. Marxist thought inspired socialist movements throughout the world, including in Russia.

Common misconception

Students assume all communists and socialists shared the same ideas.

Marx's ideas were interpreted differently by different groups of socialists. In Russia, this led to the split of the Social Democratic Party


  • Communist - something is communist if it relates to the belief that wealth should be shared equally and people should be treated as equals

  • Capitalist - something is capitalist if it relates to a system where some people own industry privately and make profit for themselves

  • Bourgeoisie - the bourgeoisie are members of the middle classes

  • Proletariat - the proletariat are members of the industrial working classes

  • Aristocracy - the aristocracy are the highest social class, usually in countries that have a royal family

Alternative for task B: provide students with images/illustrations representing aristocracy (i.e. crown), bourgeoisie and proletariat. Students identify which group each illustration represents; then order according to Marx's stages of history.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Contains depictions of discriminatory behaviour.


Adult supervision suggested.


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6 Questions

Write the missing word. Historians usually use the word to describe periods of time which experience significant changes, such as the overthrow of a system of government.
Correct Answer: revolution, Revolution
What happened to the King Louis XVI during the French Revolution?
forced to live in exile
his powers were reduced
Correct answer: he was executed
he became more powerful
Which word is most appropriate for describing someone who refuses to accept or support political reform and social progress?
Correct answer: reactionary
Write the missing word. During the Industrial Revolution, many cotton mills employed to clean the tight spaces beneath their machines.
Correct Answer: children, Children
Which statement about living conditions during the Industrial Revolution is most accurate?
urban death rates fell due to improved housing for workers
urban death rates remained the same as housing for workers was untouched
Correct answer: urban death rates rose due to poor housing for workers
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
1 - English Civil War
2 - the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
3 - French Revolution
4 - First World War

6 Questions

Write the missing word. Karl developed the idea of communism in the 19th century.
Correct Answer: Marx, marx
Match each keyword with its correct definition.
Correct Answer:aristocracy,the upper classes

the upper classes

Correct Answer:bourgoisie,the middle classes

the middle classes

Correct Answer:proletariat,the industrial working classes

the industrial working classes

According to Marx, which group owned most of the property in an industrialised capitalist society?
Correct answer: bourgoisie
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) became the largest political party in which country by 1912?
Correct answer: Germany
Why did Marx think a proletarian revolution in Russia was not likely to happen for a long time?
Russia's population was too small
Russia did not have its own socialist party
Correct answer: Russia was not very industrialised
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order according to Marx's theories.
1 - bourgeoisie take power from the aristocracy
2 - workers exploited for the benefit of the bourgeoisie
3 - proletarian revolution occurs
4 - socialist state created
5 - communist, classless society develops

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