Year 7

Edward IV's unstable first reign

I can explain why Edward IV’s first reign collapsed into instability and describe how he re-took his throne.

Year 7

Edward IV's unstable first reign

I can explain why Edward IV’s first reign collapsed into instability and describe how he re-took his throne.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Although Edward IV’s rule was secure by 1464, he jeopardised stability by marrying Elizabeth Woodville.
  2. This marriage angered many at court, including Warwick, especially after the Woodvilles began to gain more influence.
  3. Queen Margaret and Warwick combined forces to usurp Edward, who fled abroad, and the crown was returned to Henry VI.
  4. Edward returned to defeat Warwick and Margaret at Barnet, Henry VI was murdered and Edward VI was restored as king.
  5. England had been made unstable by Edward IV’s inability to keep the support of his nobles.

Common misconception

Students may get confused between Edward, Prince of Wales and Edward IV.

Explain that Edward, Prince of Wales, is the only son of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou, and a Lancastrian. Edward IV is the son of Richard, Duke of York, who became Edward IV, and a Yorkist.


  • Court - all the people who live and work in a royal household

  • Nobles - people of the highest social class, given land from the monarch in return for loyalty

  • Alliance - a bond or connection between families or countries

  • Ally - a supporter or friend

Get pupils to draw a simplified family tree of the Lancastrians and Yorkists or take them through a pre-made detailed one together.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What is the wife of a reigning monarch known as?
Princess consort
Correct answer: Queen consort
Duchess consort
Margaret of helped her husband Henry VI to regain the throne from Richard, Duke of York.
Correct Answer: Anjou
Where was Richard, Duke of York killed?
at Warwick Castle in Warwick
at Pontefract Castle in Pontefract
at Donnington Castle in Newbury
Correct answer: at Sandal Castle in Wakefield
When was the Battle of Mortimer's Cross?
December 1640
Correct answer: February 1461
March 1461
June 1461
Match the battle to the correct year and outcome.
Correct Answer:Battle of St Albans,1455 Yorkist victory

1455 Yorkist victory

Correct Answer:Battle of Wakefield,1460 Lancastrian victory

1460 Lancastrian victory

Correct Answer:Battle of Mortimer's Cross,February 1461 Yorkist victory

February 1461 Yorkist victory

Correct Answer:Battle of Towton,March 1461 Yorkist victory

March 1461 Yorkist victory

During the Wars of the Roses, the fighting between the Yorkists and caused England to become unstable.
Correct Answer: Lancastrians, House of Lancaster

6 Questions

Write the missing name: During the reign of Edward IV, he upset members of the nobility at court by marrying ...
Correct Answer: Elizabeth Woodville, Woodville, Elizabeth
The Earl of Warwick had hoped England would form an alliance with which country?
Correct answer: France
Why did Warwick betray Edward by pledging his support to Henry VI and the Lancastrians?
He believed that Henry VI would be a stronger king than Edward IV.
He preferred to spend time at the French court.
Correct answer: He was unhappy about Edward IV's favouritism towards the Woodvilles.
He hoped to be able to control Henry VI who was easily influenced.
Put these events into chronological order.
1 - Warwick went missing form the court of Edward IV.
2 - Warwick helped Henry VI to regain the English crown.
3 - Edward IV fought back at the Battle of Barnet and Warwick was killed.
4 - Henry VI was captured at the Battle Tewkesbury and his son, Edward, was killed.
5 - Henry VI was placed in the Tower of London, but died shortly afterwards.
What lesson did Edward IV learn from his unstable first reign?
Correct answer: the importance of keeping the nobility on his side
the importance of ignoring the views of the nobility
the importance of marrying for love
the importance of keeping his wife happy
Complete the sentence: Events in England between 1461 and 1471 were caused by arguments about who should England.
Correct Answer: rule, control, govern

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