Year 10

The colonisation of North America

I can recall that during the 16th and 17th centuries many people migrated to the Americas and forcibly removed indigenous peoples from their land.

Year 10

The colonisation of North America

I can recall that during the 16th and 17th centuries many people migrated to the Americas and forcibly removed indigenous peoples from their land.


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Exploration of the 'New World' took place under Elizabeth I and James I due to England's sea-faring capability.
  2. Many people migrated to the Americas for economic reasons and to take advantage of fertile farmland and fishing grounds.
  3. Nonconformists migrated to the Americas to escape religious persecution after the Reformation and English Civil War.
  4. Settler colonialists forcibly took land from the Native Americans; many of whom died from smallpox and violence.
  5. The settlers in America forged a new American identity after the colonisation of North America.


  • Indigenous - indigenous people are the original inhabitants of a specific area

  • Colony - a country or area under the control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country

  • Emigrated - having left one’s own country permanently and gone to live in another one

  • Native American - a member of any of the societies who originally inhabited North and South America and the Caribbean Islands

Common misconception

Most of the Native Americans were killed in battle by British colonists.

Although many Native Americans succumbed to British violence, the overwhelming majority of Native Americans were killed by European diseases, to which they had no natural immunity.

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For Task A, encourage students to pick out points from both the content and the provenance of the source to discuss.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision required



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Lesson video


6 Questions

Match the words to their correct definitions.
Correct Answer:Danelaw,the area of England in the north and east controlled by the Vikings

the area of England in the north and east controlled by the Vikings

Correct Answer:Viking,a member of the Scandinavian seafaring people who raided Britain

a member of the Scandinavian seafaring people who raided Britain

Correct Answer:Normans,the people who settled in Normandy in the 10th century

the people who settled in Normandy in the 10th century

Correct Answer:Angevin Empire,territories in England, Wales, Ireland and France held by Henry II

territories in England, Wales, Ireland and France held by Henry II

Which word describes took over a territory by force?
Correct Answer: conquered
Complete the sentence: The invasion of the Vikings led to the merging of Viking culture and customs with _________ culture and customs.
Correct answer: Anglo-Saxon
Which of the following forged a cultural connection between England and France?
The invasion of the Vikings
Correct answer: The establishment of the Angevin Empire
Correct answer: The Norman conquest
The Danish Viking conquest
Match the evidence from medieval Britain to whether or not it shows change or continuity as a result of migration.
Correct Answer:change,language, government, land ownership and the Church

language, government, land ownership and the Church

Correct Answer:continuity,Christianity and parts of the Anglo-Saxon language

Christianity and parts of the Anglo-Saxon language

The loss of which war saw England begin to have a separate English identity?
Wars of the Roses
Battle of Hastings
First World War
Correct answer: Hundred Years' War

6 Questions

Which word describes a country or area under the control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country?
Correct Answer: colony, a colony
Which word describes having left one’s own country permanently and gone to live in another one?
Correct Answer: emigrated
Under which monarchs did exploration of the 'New World' take place?
Edward VI
Correct answer: Elizabeth I
Correct answer: James I
Elizabeth II
What economic reasons were there for people emigrating to North America?
religious persecution of Puritans and other nonconformists
Correct answer: high unemployment in England due to land use changes
Correct answer: good farmland and fishing grounds in North America
to escape the chaos of the Civil Wars
What percentage of Native Americans were killed by European diseases as a result of colonial settlement?
Correct answer: 95%
Complete the sentence: The settlers in America forged a new American after the colonisation of North America.
Correct Answer: identity

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