Year 11

Change in Post-War America

I can evaluate interpretations of experiences of life in post-war America.

Year 11

Change in Post-War America

I can evaluate interpretations of experiences of life in post-war America.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Most Americans enjoyed rising incomes after WW2.
  2. Poverty remained widespread and other economic inequalities remained.
  3. Widespread TV and radio ownership allowed many Americans to access popular culture.
  4. Teenage identity and interests were considered dangerous by some older Americans.
  5. The Red Scare threatened many Americans civil liberties.

Common misconception

There is always a singular accurate interpretation of events and periods in history.

There can be many accurate interpretations of historical periods and these may differ from one another depending on what they focus on.


  • McCarthyism - McCarthyism was the campaign against alleged communists in the USA led by Joseph McCarthy

  • Communism - communism is the belief that wealth should be shared equally between people

  • Civil liberties - the freedom people have to do, think, and say what they want is known as civil liberties

Students could also be asked at the end of Task A to discuss in pairs or larger groups why interpretations A and B may have come to different views. You may support these discussions by asking pupils to consider the process historians follow to form their views of the past.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of mental health issues


Adult supervision required


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Write the missing word. Many people investigated as suspected communists during the Red Scare were , meaning they were blocked from getting jobs.
Correct Answer: blacklisted, black listed, Blacklisted
Who became a prominent leader in the hunt for communists during the Red Scare?
Dwight D Eisenhower
Harry Truman
Correct answer: Joseph McCarthy
How many American communist spies were found by the Loyalty programme?
Correct answer: 0
Why was the 'loss' of China important for the second Red Scare in the USA?
Correct answer: increased worries about communism
reduced fears of communism and led to an end of the Red Scare
revealed that many leading American officials had betrayed the USA
Which statement is most accurate?
US presidents led the Red Scare
US presidents did their best to end the Red Scare
Correct answer: US presidents did little to publicly challenge the Red Scare
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronologoical order.
1 - End of WW2
2 - Eastern Europe falls under Soviet control
3 - The USSR develops its own nuclear weapons
4 - Joseph McCarthy announces he has a list of communists in the US governemnt
5 - McCarthy acuses US army officers of being communists
6 - McCarthyism comes to an end

6 Questions

What was the campaign against alleged communists in the USA led by Joseph McCarthy referred to as?
Correct Answer: McCarthyism
What new genre of music was particularly popular with American teenagers in the 1940s and 1950s?
Correct answer: Rock and Roll
Which of the following groups was often targeted by McCarthyism?
African Americans
Correct answer: LGBTQ+ people
Which statement is most accurate?
The income of US men rose but women's did not after 1945
The income of US women rose but men's did not after 1945
Correct answer: The income of US men and women rose after 1945
Which statement is most accurate?
There can only be one accurate interpretation of a historical event or period
Correct answer: There can be multiple accurate interpretations of a historical event or period
Only a professional historian's interpretation can be considered accurate
Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
1 - GI Bill passed
2 - Most of Truman's Fair Deal blocked by political opponents
3 - Joseph McCarthy claims he has a list of 205 communists working in the government
4 - McCarthy loses power
5 - Over 60 million watch a TV performance by Elvis Presley