Year 10

Bishop Odo of Bayeux

I can describe the career of Bishop Odo of Bayeux and his impact on England.

Year 10

Bishop Odo of Bayeux

I can describe the career of Bishop Odo of Bayeux and his impact on England.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Norman conquest changed the lives of aristocrats such as Lanfranc and Odo, who in turn impacted England.
  2. Odo was made Bishop of Bayeux despite being more focused on secular affairs than spiritual ones.
  3. Odo played an important part in the planning and execution of the Norman invasion of England.
  4. Odo was rewarded with land and power; he was made regent, the earl of Kent, and became extraordinarily wealthy.
  5. Odo abused his powers, and in 1082, William imprisoned him.

Common misconception

According to the Bayeux Tapestry, Odo played an important role in the Norman invasion.

There is reason to be sceptical about this depiction. The Bayeux Tapestry was commissioned by Odo. This perhaps explains why Odo is self-importantly shown as central to the planning and delivery of the invasion.


  • Regent - a regent is a person who rules a country for a limited period, because the monarch is absent, too young or too ill

  • Secular - someone who is focused on the secular is focused on things that have no connection with religion or the spiritual world, such as land and money

Students can perform a role-play exercise on Odo's trial, using Domesday Book as evidence of his misdeeds, the Bayeux Tapestry as his defence, and various chronicles as witness statements.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
  • Depiction or discussion of sexual violence


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

Which keyword describes to punish yourself to seek God’s forgiveness for a sin?
Correct Answer: penance, Penance
Complete the sentence: The Norman aristocracy viewed their simple and culture as superior to the Anglo-Saxon culture.
Correct Answer: pious, Pious
What language did the Norman aristocracy use for the Church and official documents?
Correct answer: Latin
Which of the following are impacts of Norman language on England?
Some place names became Romanesque
Correct answer: Some place names were Normanised
Correct answer: The English language sometimes now has two words for similar things
Od English words soon entered the English language
Correct answer: French words soon entered the English language
Which of the following are examples of Norman Romanesque architecture being used in both religious and military buildings?
Correct answer: Tewkesbury Abbey
Correct answer: the White Tower in London
Arundel Cathedral
Liverpool Cathedral
What did Norman chivalry promote?
Correct answer: brave and hardy fighting
cowardily and weak fighting
Correct answer: values of mercy, justice and generosity
values of ruthlessness, injustice and selfishness

6 Questions

Which keyword describes a person who rules a country for a limited period, because the monarch is absent, too young or too ill?
Correct Answer: regent, Regent
Who was William's half-brother who was rewarded with being made earl of Kent?
Robert of Mortain
Correct answer: Odo of Bayeux
Harold Godwinson
How does the Bayeux Tapestry show Odo's involvement in the Battle of Hastings?
In a leading role - riding into the centre of combat swinging his sword
Correct answer: In a leading role - riding into the centre of combat swinging his club
In a leading role - giving important startegy talks at the side
In a leading role - shooting Harold in the eye
Why are historians skeptical about the heroic depiction of Odo in the Bayeux Tapestry?
Correct answer: It was embroidered in Odo’s earldom of Kent
It was embroidered in Odo’s earldom of Wessex
Correct answer: It was found in his bishopric of Bayeux
It was found in his bishopric of Normandy
Complete the sentence: Odo abused his powers, and in , William imprisoned him.
Correct Answer: 1082
Which of the following suggest that William’s suspicions about Odo were right?
In 1066, Odo tried to take the English throne for himself
In 1088, Odo led a revolt against William’s successor, Henry I
In 1066, Odo tried to make an alliance with Harold Godwinson
Correct answer: In 1088, Odo led a revolt against William’s successor, William II

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