Year 10

The Anglo-Norman Church

I can explain reasons for Norman reforms of the English Church.

Year 10

The Anglo-Norman Church

I can explain reasons for Norman reforms of the English Church.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The medieval Church was a powerful and influential institution, which William used to spread Norman control in England.
  2. William reformed the Church arguing it was in moral decline. It is likely he saw the leadership as a threat to his rule.
  3. Most Anglo-Saxon bishops were replaced with Normans, and Lanfranc was appointed as Archbishop of Canterbury.
  4. Lanfranc oversaw a programme of church-building, and bishops were transferred from villages to cities.
  5. Lanfranc’s other reforms included introducing more discipline and a greater separation from non-religious life.

Common misconception

Medieval and modern Church power is equivalent.

Explicitly outline the Church's organisational power: land ownership, clergy social status, and spiritual authority.


  • Normanisation - Normanisation is the process of making something more similar to or typical of Norman styles, beliefs, customs, etc.

  • Reform - reform is when you make changes to improve something

  • Simony - simony is the buying or selling of advantages or paid positions in the Christian Church, which was considered to be a sin

  • Pluralism - pluralism is the practice of holding more than one religious office at the same time

Research how Anglo-Saxon saints, their relics, and feast days, were venerated. Then discuss their cancellation from the perspective of the English and the Normans.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

How did the feudal system change the social structure compared to the Anglo-Saxon period?
It allowed for more social mobility.
Correct answer: It made landowning less secure.
Correct answer: It was a fixed hierarchy with limited mobility.
It removed the need for military service.
What is the term for a parcel of land given to a vassal in return for service to their overlord?
Correct answer: fief
Fill in the blank with the correct word: Tenants-in-chief would grant land to their loyal knights. In return, the knights would help them control the land and provide service.
Correct Answer: knight, Knight, knight's, military
What were the obligations of holding land under the feudal system?
Correct answer: knight service
Correct answer: labour service
Correct answer: paying homage
paying no inheritance fee
Why was the feudal system important for maintaining William's authority?
It provided greater freedoms for peasants.
Correct answer: It provided regular soldiers.
Correct answer: It provided regular sums of money to William.
Match the titles in the feudal hierarchy to their roles.
Correct Answer:king,owned all the land in England

owned all the land in England

Correct Answer:tenants-in-chief,vassals who received very large fiefs direct from the king

vassals who received very large fiefs direct from the king

Correct Answer:knights,were required to fight for their overlord in return for their fief

were required to fight for their overlord in return for their fief

Correct Answer:peasants,provided labour service for their overlord

provided labour service for their overlord

6 Questions

What term do historians use for the process of making something more similar to or typical of Norman styles, beliefs, customs?
Correct answer: Normanisation
By 1088, how many Anglo-Saxon bishops were still in office (not replaced by Normans)?
Correct answer: one
Which of these explain why William was keen to have influence over the Church in England?
The Church was poor and lacked influence.
Correct answer: The Church was rich and influential.
Correct answer: The Church could support William's claim to be the legitimate king.
The Church could forgive William for trying to seize the throne.
Which of these are reasons why the Normans wanted to reform the English Church?
Correct answer: Anglo-Saxon saints were not all considered to have been saintly enough.
Anglo-Saxon Christians did not respect the pope.
Correct answer: Priests, monks and nuns in England were not following a spiritual way of life.
Too much money had been spent on building expensive stone churches and abbeys.
Complete this sentence: Excommunicated and accused of pluralism and simony, the Archbishop of Canterbury who had been a close advisor of the House of Godwin was called .
Correct Answer: Stigand, stigand
Which statement below best describes the reforms introduced by Lanfranc?
Correct answer: Lanfranc’s reforms introduced a greater separation from non-religious life.
Lanfranc’s reforms introduced more Gregorian chants in church services.
Lanfranc’s reforms introduced the idea of allowing priests to marry.

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