Year 11

The Hungarian Uprising (1956)

I can explain the causes, events and consequences of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.

Year 11

The Hungarian Uprising (1956)

I can explain the causes, events and consequences of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Hungarian Uprising (1956) was caused by anger due to declining living standards and a desire for greater freedom.
  2. Khrushchev attempted to end the Hungarian Uprising by installing Imre Nagy as leader and supporting his reforms.
  3. When Nagy announced that Hungary would leave the Warsaw Pact, the USSR invaded and crushed the Hungarian Uprising.
  4. During the Hungarian Uprising, the Hungarians begged for support from the West but the USA and NATO refused to help.
  5. The defeat of the Hungarian Uprising strengthened the USSR and Khrushchev and led to a worsening of US-Soviet relations.

Common misconception

Matyas Rakosi was the leader of Hungary at the start of the Hungarian Uprising.

Rakosi was forced to quit as leader in July 1956 when he lost the support of the USSR. Rakosi was replaced by his close friend, Erno Gero, then Khrushchev installed Imre Nagy as leader on 26th October 1956 in an attempt to end the uprising.


  • Satellite state - a country that is dominated by another country

  • Uprising - an act of resistance or rebellion

  • Reform - a change introduced to improve something, often a system or law

  • Warsaw Pact - a military alliance of Eastern European countries led by the Soviet Union during the Cold War; it was formed in 1955 in response to NATO

  • Containment - using American influence and military resources to prevent the spread of communism into non-communist countries

Ask students to roleplay as advisors of President Eisenhower at the beginning of the Hungarian Uprising. Divide the class with some students advising Eisenhower to intervene in support of the uprising and other students explaining why the USA should not become involved.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which keyword describes a country that has great power and influence globally?
Correct Answer: superpower, Superpower
Which keyword describes a meeting between leaders to discuss significant issues or make important decisions?
Correct Answer: summit, Summit
Complete the sentence: The American development of the bomb started an arms race between the USA and the USSR.
Correct Answer: atomic, Atomic
Which of the following events led to the creation of NATO in 1949?
the Cuban Missle Crisis
Correct answer: the Berlin Crisis
the takeover of Poland by Soviet-backed communists
Correct answer: the takeover of Czechoslovakia by Soviet-backed communists
Who were the new leaders of the USA and USSR in 1953?
Truman and Stalin
Correct answer: Eisenhower and Khrushchev
Kennedy and Brezhnev
Put the following events in chronological order.
1 - USA successfully developed atomic bomb
2 - USSR successfully developed atomic bomb
3 - USA successfully developed H-bomb
4 - USSR successfully developed H-bomb
5 - USA launched their first ICBM
6 - USSR shocked the world by using a missile to launch Sputnik 1

6 Questions

Which keyword describes a change introduced to improve something, often a system or law?
Correct Answer: reform, Reform
Which keyword describes using American influence and military resources to prevent the spread of communism into non-communist countries?
Correct Answer: containment, Containment
Complete the sentence: When Imre Nagy announced that Hungary would leave the Pact, the USSR invaded and crushed the Hungarian Uprising.
Correct Answer: Warsaw , warsaw
Why did the Hungarian Uprising break out in 1956?
Hungarians did not like Nagy's reforms.
Correct answer: desire for greater freedom
Correct answer: anger due to declining living standards
Hungarians did not want to be part of NATO.
How many Soviet troops invaded Hungary on 4th November 1956?
20 000
Correct answer: 200 000
600 000
Which of the following were consequences of the Hungarian Uprising?
weakened the USSR and Khrushchev
Correct answer: strengthened the USSR and Khrushchev
Correct answer: worsening of US-Soviet relations
improvement of US-Soviet relations

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