Year 10

Case study: Viking York

I can explain how the Vikings changed York.

Year 10

Case study: Viking York

I can explain how the Vikings changed York.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Vikings conquered York because it was rich and important.
  2. York lay on an important east-west trading route, and was therefore well placed to expand Scandinavian trade routes.
  3. The settled Vikings helped expand York and make it the centre of Viking culture and trade.

Common misconception

York only became an important city under Viking rule.

York was an important army base under the rule of the Romans, but was also used as a capital city under Anglo-Saxon rule. Its location along important trade routes made it an attractive city to any conqueror.


  • Viking - a member of the Scandinavian seafaring people who raided Britain from the late 8th century

  • Scandinavia - collective term for the countries of northern Europe

  • Trade - the exchange of goods

  • Mint - a place where coins are produced

When describing the city of Jorvik, be sure to emphasise the significance of paved streets and new houses as an impact of the Viking settlers - there's always a risk that students assume certain developments were the norm.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which keyword describes the area of England in the north and east controlled by the Vikings?
Correct Answer: Danelaw, danelaw
Which keyword describes how far individuals or groups of immigrants adopt the culture, customs and values of the majority of people living in their new home country?
Correct Answer: assimilation, Assimilation
Why were the Vikings looking for a new home by the end of the 700s?
They had grown bored of Scandinavia
Correct answer: Their homelands had become incredibly overpopulated
Their homelands had been ravaged by war
Correct answer: England offered wealth through fertile land and trade routes
Complete the sentence: Typically, migrants were considered ‘ ’ in this period, but as the Vikings controlled the Danelaw, these new migrants in northern England experienced England as rulers.
Correct Answer: aliens, 'aliens', Aliens, 'Aliens'
Which of the following examples show that the Vikings maintained their autonomy?
they carried out the St. Brice’s Day massacre
adopted the religion of the local people, Christianity
Correct answer: Viking coins continued to show pagan symbols
they did not live outside the Danelaw
Put the following events in chronological order.
1 - The Vikings attacked Lindisfarne
2 - The Great Heathen Army settled in the north of England
3 - The Vikings were granted the Danelaw
4 - Many of the Viking migrants were killed at the St. Brice’s Day massacre
5 - England became part of King Cnut’s North Sea Empire

6 Questions

Match the keywords to the correct definitions.
Correct Answer:Viking,a member of the Scandinavian seafaring people who raided Britain

a member of the Scandinavian seafaring people who raided Britain

Correct Answer:mint,a place where coins are produced

a place where coins are produced

Correct Answer:trade,the exchange of goods

the exchange of goods

Correct Answer:Scandinavia,collective term for the countries of northern Europe

collective term for the countries of northern Europe

What was the name the Vikings used for York?
Correct Answer: Jorvik, jorvik
Who led the Viking army in the conquest of the city of York?
King Cnut
Correct answer: King Halfden
Correct answer: Ivar the Boneless
Erik the Red
Complete the sentence: The settled Vikings helped expand York and make it the of Viking culture and trade.
Correct Answer: centre, Centre
Which of the following are examples of the impact Viking settlers had on York?
Built a cathedral
Correct answer: Created paved streets
Correct answer: York street names included the Scandinavian word 'gata'
York became pagan
Correct answer: Improved the economy through trade
Which of the following are examples archeologists have found of international Viking trade in York?
tin from France
Correct answer: walrus ivory from the Arctic regions
gold and silver from Cornwall
Correct answer: amber from the Baltic regions
Correct answer: wine from the Rhineland

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