Year 10

The Norman Conquest

I can explain the reasons for and impact of the Norman conquest on England, as well as the experiences of Norman settlers.

Year 10

The Norman Conquest

I can explain the reasons for and impact of the Norman conquest on England, as well as the experiences of Norman settlers.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In 1066, the Normans conquered England for political and religious influence as well as the opportunity for wealth.
  2. Although migrants normally had ‘alien’ status, the Normans experience England as rulers.
  3. The Normans migrated in fairly small numbers but impacted the economy, culture and built environment of England.
  4. The migration of French monks supported Church reforms and restored England’s place in Christendom.

Common misconception

As the Normans were rulers of England, they had entirely positive experiences and faced no hostility.

The Normans faced rebellions from Anglo-Saxon communities, but were largely unaffected as these rebellions were brutally put down. However, French monks faced increasingly hostility from English subjects.


  • Christendom - a term used to describe the collection of Christian kingdoms in the medieval period

  • Clergy - people who work in the Church, typically monks and bishops

  • Monasteries - a building housing a community of monks

When explaining the reasons for Norman migration, make sure to emphasise that different groups had slightly different reasons for migrating - it is not as simple as 'Normans migrated to England to take control of land'.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which keyword describes a place where coins are produced?
Correct Answer: mint, Mint
What does the discovery by archeologists of evidence from other countries suggest about Viking York?
Correct answer: Jorvik was a centre for international trade.
There was a company there who offered international delivery.
Correct answer: Many Vikings were merchants.
Modern-day objects were mixed up with the archeological evidence.
Why was a Viking coin that had a hammer on it and which said ‘SKIPE TRIO’ a significant find for archeologists excavating Viking York?
It suggests that the Vikings kept their traditions and refused local beliefs.
It suggests that the Vikings adopted local beliefs and forgot their traditions.
Correct answer: It suggests that the Vikings merged local beliefs with their traditions.
How did the location of Jorvik contribute to improved Viking trade?
It was located along a vast train route.
It was located between the Thames and Tyne rivers.
Correct answer: It was located between the Ouse and Foss rivers.
It was located directly on the coast.
Which of the following is an example of the impact Viking settlers had on York which can still be seen today?
built a cathedral
created paved streets
Correct answer: York street names included the Scandinavian word 'gata'
York became pagan
Complete the sentence: As a city of such importance for both the Romans and Anglo-Saxons, York was the perfect site for a new Viking capital of the .
Correct Answer: Danelaw, danelaw

6 Questions

Match the keywords to the definitions.
Correct Answer:Christendom,the collection of Christian kingdoms in the medieval period

the collection of Christian kingdoms in the medieval period

Correct Answer:clergy,people who work in the Church, typically monks and bishops

people who work in the Church, typically monks and bishops

Correct Answer:monasteries,a building housing a community of monks

a building housing a community of monks

Complete the sentence: In , the Normans conquered England for political and religious influence as well as the opportunity for wealth.
Correct Answer: 1066
Who believed he was the rightful heir to the English throne?
Edward the Confessor
Jorvik the Younger
Correct answer: William, Duke of Normandy
King Aethelred
Match the reason for migration to England to the Norman migrant.
Correct Answer:Norman nobility,the wealth opportunities from England's fertile land

the wealth opportunities from England's fertile land

Correct Answer:Norman monks,monasteries played a huge role in the English wool trade

monasteries played a huge role in the English wool trade

Correct Answer:Norman monks,wanted to help restore the power of the Church

wanted to help restore the power of the Church

Correct Answer:Norman nobility,William offered them a reward of lands and titles

William offered them a reward of lands and titles

Why did Norman monks face hostility in England?
They tried to convert people to paganism.
They tried to convert people to Christianity.
William did not appoint any Norman bishops and invited only English clergy.
Correct answer: Lanfranc did not appoint any English bishops and invited only foreign clergy.
Which of the following show the Normans' impact on the English economy?
They crashed the economy by minting too many coins.
Correct answer: The increase in the number of monasteries increased wool trade profits.
Correct answer: They invited several migrant groups who helped grow the economy.
The increase in the number of monasteries increased Bible sales.

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