Year 11

Impact of the Vietnam War

I can assess the impact of the Vietnam War.

Year 11

Impact of the Vietnam War

I can assess the impact of the Vietnam War.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Vietnam veterans suffered problems upon their return to the US.
  2. The Vietnam War caused the US public to lose faith in their government.
  3. The Vietnamese people and landscape suffered greatly due to the war.
  4. Although all of Indochina became communist, no other Southeast Asian country did.
  5. Relations between the US and the USSR and China improved, which made nuclear war less likely.

Common misconception

A war that ended 50 years ago does not affect anybody any more.

Much of the Vietnamese landscape and people are still impacted or recovering from the effects of the war even today.


  • Veteran - a veteran is someone who has long experience in a particular field

  • Impact - impact refers to the effect or influence of something

Show students images of children born with the effects of Agent Orange, or the efforts of teams to defuse landmines and collect other explosives, in order to demonstrate how the war still affects Vietnamese people today.
Teacher tip


Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Match the US strategy in Vietnam with its intended purpose.
Correct Answer:The Strategic Hamlets Program,relocate rural populations away from Vietcong areas

relocate rural populations away from Vietcong areas

Correct Answer:Operation Rolling Thunder,the bombing campaign against North Vietnam

the bombing campaign against North Vietnam

Correct Answer:Operation Ranch Hand,use of chemical weapons such as napalm to clear jungle terrain

use of chemical weapons such as napalm to clear jungle terrain

This programme forced people to move away from the graves of their ancestors.
Correct Answer: The Strategic Hamlets Program, Strategic Hamlets Program, strategic hamlets program
Who made a public announcement declaring that “peace is at hand” in October 1972?
Correct answer: Henry Kissinger
President Johnson
President Nixon
Which country was responsible for providing more than three quarters of North Vietnam's military and technical equipment?
Correct answer: USSR
North Korea
Which country provided North Vietnam with 320 000 troops between 1965 and 1971?
Correct answer: China
North Korea
Match the words with their definitions. Write the correct letter in each box.
Correct Answer:occupier,a member of a group that takes possession of a country by force

a member of a group that takes possession of a country by force

Correct Answer:ceasefire ,a temporary stoppage of a war

a temporary stoppage of a war

Correct Answer:treaty ,a formal agreement between countries

a formal agreement between countries

6 Questions

An view is an opinion that follows the generally accepted rules or beliefs.
Correct Answer: orthodox, Orthodox
A view is an opinion that challenges and tries to change existing beliefs about an event.
Correct Answer: revisionist, Revisionist
Roughly how many war veterans suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Correct answer: 500,000
Match the events that eroded the trust of the US public in their government with their correct date
Correct Answer:Gulf of Tonkin incident,1964


Correct Answer:Kent State shootings,May 1970

May 1970

Correct Answer:Tet Offensive,January 1968

January 1968

Correct Answer:My Lai Massacre,March 1968

March 1968

Which of the following statements accurately describes the effects of the Vietnam war? Select all statements that are correct.
Correct answer: An estimated three million Vietnamese lost their lives during the war
Correct answer: Roughly 800,000 South Vietnamese children were orphaned by the end of the war
Correct answer: An estimated three million Vietnamese were affected by the chemical weapons
Correct answer: Half of the rice paddies in the country were destroyed, causing starvation
Which communist countries did the US become friendlier with under Nixon? Select all the answers that are correct.
Correct answer: China
Correct answer: USSR

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