Use number pairs to 10 in subtraction contexts
I can use number pairs to ten to solve subtraction problems and equations.
Use number pairs to 10 in subtraction contexts
I can use number pairs to ten to solve subtraction problems and equations.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Our knowledge of pairs that sum can help when solving subtraction problems and equations.
- Quickly remembering these number pairs is important for later work.
Subtract - To separate or take one number away from another.
Difference - The result of subtracting one number from another.
Minuend - The first number in a subtraction; the number from which another number (the subtrahend) is to be subtracted.
Subtrahend - The number that is to be subtracted; the second number in a subtraction.
Common misconception
Children may try to count back from 10 rather than using knowledge of pairs that sum to 10.
Use practical equipment to make links between addition and subtraction explicit, demonstrating the relationship on cherry or bar models and number lines.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Sum to 10
Do not sum to 10
Sum to 10
Do not sum to 10
Sum to 10
Greater than 10
Less than 10
Exit quiz
6 Questions