Compare two-digit numbers
I can compare two-digit numbers.
Compare two-digit numbers
I can compare two-digit numbers.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- When comparing two-digit numbers, the number of tens can be compared to find the greater number.
- When the tens in the numbers are the same, the greater number can be found by comparing the number of ones.
- The greater number can also be found using a number line.
- The greater number comes further in the counting sequence, so it will be further along the number line.
Compare - You compare to find out what is the same and what is different. You can compare numbers to find out if one is greater than or less than another.
Greater than - Is larger in value or size.
Less than - Is smaller in value or size, referring to an abstract or continuous number.
Common misconception
Children may think that they must see both the tens and ones in a two-digit number to compare them. They may also reverse the tens and ones and compare the ones first.
Ensure that numbers with the ones digit hidden are given to compare so that children can appreciate the relative size of the numbers. Use practical equipment and stem sentences to consolidate understanding of the structure of two-digit numbers.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions