Represent addition and subtraction of tens and ones with equations
I can represent the combining and partitioning of tens and ones with addition and subtraction equations.
Represent addition and subtraction of tens and ones with equations
I can represent the combining and partitioning of tens and ones with addition and subtraction equations.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- When tens and ones are combined to make a two-digit number, this can be represented it as an addition equation.
- When a two-digit number is partitioned into tens and ones, this can be represented as a subtraction equation.
Partition - To split a whole up into parts.
Combine - To put parts together to make a whole.
Part - A piece or section of a whole.
Whole - All of something; complete.
Common misconception
Children may fail to appreciate the importance of the equals sign in an equation, e.g. making errors such as 16 = 4 + 20, or confuse the value of the digits, making errors such as 43 = 4 + 30
Use the language of parts and whole to activate/link to prior learning. Encourage drawing of own part-part-whole models. Encourage children to spot errors and explain why they are are incorrect and to articulate their thinking around correct answers.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
5 tens 8
8 tens 5

Exit quiz
6 Questions