Represent multiples of ten using their numerals and names
I can represent multiples of ten using numbers and names.
Represent multiples of ten using their numerals and names
I can represent multiples of ten using numbers and names.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- All multiples of ten have a zero in the ones.
- This is the number 30 and the 3 represents three tens.
- __ tens is equal to __ty so three tens is equal to thirty.
Tens - Groups of ten objects.
Ones - Individual objects.
Multiple - A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by another whole number.
Common misconception
Children may get the tens and teens numbers confused and may muddle up the digits when writing the numerals.
Show numbers on a place value chart and talk about what each number represents. Take time to over pronounce teen and multiples of 10 words focusing on the sound of -teen and -ty and encouraging learners to practise with silly voices.
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Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
2 groups of 10
4 groups of 10
7 groups of 10
8 groups of 10