Year 2

Equal or unequal parts

I can describe how a whole can be divided into parts and recognise equal and unequal parts.

Year 2

Equal or unequal parts

I can describe how a whole can be divided into parts and recognise equal and unequal parts.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Wholes can be divided into parts. The whole could be an object, a shape or a set of objects.
  2. When all the parts are the same size, they are equal parts.
  3. When all the parts are not the same size, they are unequal parts.
  4. Equal parts of the same shape may look different.

Common misconception

Children may think that when a shape has been split straight through the middle that the parts are equal.

Encourage children to compare the sizes of each part by lining them up next to each other. With paper shapes, children can cut out the parts and lay them on top of each other to see if the parts are equal or unequal in size.


  • Whole - All the parts / all of a group or number.

  • Part - A piece or section of the whole.

  • Equal - We say that two or more things are equal if they have the same quantity or value.

  • Unequal - We say that two or more things are unequal if they do not have the same quantity or value.

Children will always benefit from the opportunity to experience parts and wholes practically by exploring some of the contexts in this lesson, such as pencils, building blocks and jigsaws, in their environment rather than on screen.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of these is a part of your body?
Correct answer: arm
Which of these could be a part of a car?
Correct answer: wheel
There are 5 apples in the whole group. How can we split the group into two parts? Match the parts to make 5
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:1 apple,4 apples

4 apples

Correct Answer:2 apples,3 apples

3 apples

Correct Answer:0 apples,5 apples

5 apples

Look at the part-part-whole model. What does each number represent?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:4,is a part

is a part

Correct Answer:6,is the whole

is the whole

Correct Answer:2,is a part

is a part

Complete the sentence. 7 is a part, 3 is a . 10 is the whole.
Correct Answer: part
What is the missing whole in this bar model?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 11

6 Questions

These whole shapes have been divided into parts. Match the shape with the number of parts.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:The quadrilateral,has been divided into 4 parts.

has been divided into 4 parts.

Correct Answer:The hexagon,has been divided into 3 parts.

has been divided into 3 parts.

Correct Answer:The pentagon,has been divided into 5 parts.

has been divided into 5 parts.

Shapes, objects and sets of objects can be divided into parts. Match the start and the end of the sentences correctly.
Correct Answer:When all the parts are the same size,the parts are equal parts.

the parts are equal parts.

Correct Answer:When all the parts are not the same size,the parts are unequal parts.

the parts are unequal parts.

Which wholes have been divided into equal parts?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Which wholes have been divided into equal parts?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
True or false. The whole number of cherries has been divided into equal parts.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: True
Look at the image. The whole has been divided into __________ parts.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: equal