Compare sets of 2 p, 5 p, and 10 p coins
I can order and compare 1 p, 2 p, 5 p and 10 p coins, recognising that the value of a coin is unrelated to its size or quantity.
Compare sets of 2 p, 5 p, and 10 p coins
I can order and compare 1 p, 2 p, 5 p and 10 p coins, recognising that the value of a coin is unrelated to its size or quantity.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- The size of a coin is not related to its value.
- The name of a 1 p, 2 p, 5 p and 10 p coin is related to the number of 1 p coins it is worth
- Both a 5 p coin and a 10 p coin are smaller than a 2 p coin but are worth more.
Coins - A coin is a unit of money used in the UK. One coin represents a value equivalent to a given number of one-pence coins.
Value - Where referring to money, value refers to how much something is worth.
Worth - Worth refers to the value that something has. In the context of money, it refers to how much money you would pay for something.
Common misconception
Children may understand the value of each set of coins but incorrectly use a symbol ( < > = ) in comparing them.
Encourage reading from left to right e.g. ___ is less than / greater than ___. Ensure children have opportunities to place the coins within the symbols to understand the correct orientation of them.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
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