Count efficiently in groups of two
I can count in groups of two and identify how many groups there are.
Count efficiently in groups of two
I can count in groups of two and identify how many groups there are.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Objects can be put into groups of 2 to make them easier to count.
- It is more efficient to skip count in twos instead of ones.
- Groups of 2 can be called twos.
- Counting back in twos from the amount altogether can be used to check that the count was accurate.
Groups of 2 - Groups of two objects that can be counted in twos.
Twos - Another name for the multiples of two or even numbers.
Altogether - The amount in the whole set or group.
Accurately - An accurate result means a result that is correct.
Efficiently - Not wasting time or effort. An efficient strategy is one we can carry out easily.
Common misconception
Children may confuse the number of groups with the amount altogether, for example, they may count 3 groups of 2 as 3 not 6 They may also confuse the number of groups with the group size.
Draw a ring around each group of 2 whilst using the stem sentence to help describe what you are seeing as you identify each group.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions