Year 3
Year 3

Solving problems using measures

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Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will plan a trip to the beach to celebrate all our fantastic work. We will use all our knowledge about measuring mass and capacity and using bar models to help us find solutions.


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4 Questions

4L and 400ml multiplied by 4
16L and 1600ml
16L and 1L and 600ml
Correct answer: 17L and 600ml
1L and 100ml
Match the correct statements about this bar model.
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Correct answer: We know the value of the two parts. The whole is unknown. We need to add both parts to find the value of the whole. 256 + 178
We know the value of the two parts. The whole is unknown. We need to subtract bigger part by the smaller part to get the whole. 256 - 178.
We know the value of the whole and one part. We need to subtract the whole by a part to find the value of the other part. 178 - 256
Match the word problem to the calculation
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450cm - 5cm
Correct answer: 450cm ÷ 5
450cm x 5
5 ÷ 450cm
Match the word problem to the calculation.
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4kg and 1250g
4kg and 250g
Correct answer: 5kg and 250g
5kg and 250kg

4 Questions

Mr Nieto has a bag of 5 presents to celebrate all the great work during this unit. Each present weighs 2kg and 400g. Match a bar model that matches this word problem.
Option 1
Option 2
Correct answer: Option 3
Mr Nieto has a bag of the 5 presents to celebrate all the great work during this unit. Each present weighs 2kg and 400g. How much does the bag weigh?
10kg and 2000g
10kg and 2kg
Correct answer: 12kg
12kg and 100g
Mr Nieto has found a box of biscuits he wants to take to the party. What's the mass of this box?
An image in a quiz
1kg and 890g
1kg and 900g
Correct answer: 1kg and 910g
1kg and 980g
At the end of the party Mr Nieto wants to see how much of his juice is left. He uses a measuring cylinder to measure the capacity. Mr Nieto realises that he had 4L and 400ml at the start of the party. How much juice was drank in the party?
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3L and 400L
3L and 400ml
3L and 500L
Correct answer: 3L and 500ml