Explain how to balance equations with addition and subtraction expressions
You can explain how to balance equations with addition and subtraction expressions
Explain how to balance equations with addition and subtraction expressions
You can explain how to balance equations with addition and subtraction expressions
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If one addend is increased and the other is decreased by the same amount, the sum stays the same.
- If the minuend and subtrahend are changed by the same amount, the difference stays the same.
Equation - An equation is used to show that one number, calculation or express is equal to another.
Expression - An expression contains one or more terms or numbers, where each term or number is separated by and operator but an expression does not have an equals sign.
Common misconception
Thinking that you can change the values of subtraction and addition expressions by making the same changes.
Go back and explore what happens when you change different elements of addition and subtraction equations. Use stem sentences from earlier learning to highlight what happens to the sum and difference when values are changed in equations.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
390 − 130
400 − 130
410 − 130
420 − 130