Compare and order 4-digit numbers
I can use knowledge of place value to compare and order 4-digit numbers.
Compare and order 4-digit numbers
I can use knowledge of place value to compare and order 4-digit numbers.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Look at the thousands digit to compare and order if they are different.
- If the thousands digits are the same, look at the hundreds digit to compare and order if they are different.
- If the thousands and hundreds digits are the same, look at the tens digit to compare and order if they are different.
- If the thousands, hundreds and tens digits are the same, look at the ones digit to compare and order the numbers.
Order - Put a set of numbers into their correct place following a rule: for example, from lowest to highest.
Compare - You can compare to find out what is the same and what is different.
Greater than - Bigger or larger in value or size. This can be shown using the symbol >
Less than - Smaller in value or size, referring to abstract or continuous number. This can be shown using the symbol <
Common misconception
Some pupils do not realise that it is not always necessary to consider all of the digits when comparing or ordering numbers. For example, when comparing 3,974 and 7,832, the thousands are different.
Develop a systematic approach, such that pupils always begin by checking to see if the thousands are the same, then if necessary the hundreds, then the tens, then the ones. Counters and place value grids can really help to exemplify this.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions