Explain that decimal numbers with tenths can be composed additively
I can explain that decimal numbers with tenths can be represented as addition.
Explain that decimal numbers with tenths can be composed additively
I can explain that decimal numbers with tenths can be represented as addition.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Use part-part-whole models to partition decimal numbers into the whole number and fraction parts.
- Number with whole number and decimal parts can be represented as addition and subtraction equations.
- The whole number and decimal parts of a number can be represented on a number line.
Decimal number - A decimal number has a decimal point followed by digits that show the fractional part.
Partition / partitioning - Partitioning is the act of splitting an object or value down into smaller parts..
Equation - An equation is used to show that one number, calculation or expression is equal to another. For example: 3 + 4 = 7
Expression - An expression contains one or more values, where each value is separated by an operator. For example: 3 + 4
Common misconception
Pupils understand the equals sign as 'where the answer is' rather than equality between expressions.
Spend time moving addition and subtraction expressions to either side of the equals sign using numbers within 10 before moving to tenths.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions

4.6 − ___ = 0.6
4 = 4.6 − ___
0.6 = ___ − 4