Year 5

Solve problems involving converting between units of time

You can solve problems involving converting between units of time

Year 5

Solve problems involving converting between units of time

You can solve problems involving converting between units of time

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. There are 60 minutes in an hour.
  2. There are 24 hours in a day.
  3. There are 12 months in a year.
  4. There are 365 days in most years.

Common misconception

Some pupils might think 8:45 + 20 mins = 8:65. As our system of time is not based around the decimal system, this is incorrect.

Some pupils may still not be fully au fait with telling the time, though the lesson presumes they are. Providing them with a mini-clock with movable hands will help to reinforce the idea of bridging to and then from the o'clock time.


  • Convert - To convert is to change a value or expression from one form to another, such as minutes to hours.

The lesson uses a number line as a way of supporting mental calculation when working out time differences. The line is broken down into two 'jumps' and presumes that pupils have a good fluency with number bonds to 60. Some may need to use more and smaller jumps and will benefit from pre-teaching.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the numbers and phrases to make the statements correct.
Correct Answer:60,minutes in one hour.

minutes in one hour.

Correct Answer:12,months in one year.

months in one year.

Correct Answer:24,hours in one day.

hours in one day.

Correct Answer:7,days in one week.

days in one week.

Correct Answer:365,days in one year.

days in one year.

40 = 15 +
Correct Answer: 25
37 + = 60
Correct Answer: 23
Match the calculation to the strategy.
Correct Answer:24 × 3,Short multiplication

Short multiplication

Correct Answer:12 × 9 ,No strategy needed. This should be a known fact

No strategy needed. This should be a known fact

Correct Answer:24 × 10,Move the digits one place to the left

Move the digits one place to the left

What time is being shown here?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: quarter to 3
9 minutes past 2
15 minutes past 9
Match the time intervals.
Correct Answer:15 minutes =,quarter of an hour

quarter of an hour

Correct Answer:30 minutes =,half an hour

half an hour

Correct Answer:45 minutes =,three quarters of an hour

three quarters of an hour

6 Questions

What time is 20 minutes after 3:55?
Correct answer: 4:15
What time is 25 minutes before 3:10? 2:
Correct Answer: 2:45, 45
A TV show starts at quarter to 5 and ends at 5:25. How long is the programme? The programme lasts for minutes.
Correct Answer: 40
Choose the correct inequality symbol to describe the relationship between the units of time. 5 weeks 30 days
Correct answer: >
Choose the correct inequality symbol to describe the relationship between the units of time. 3,000 days 10 years
Correct answer: <
Choose the correct inequality symbol to describe the relationship between these time intervals. 60 months 5 years
Correct answer: =