Year 5

Solve problems involving converting units in different contexts

You can solve problems involving converting units in different contexts

Year 5

Solve problems involving converting units in different contexts

You can solve problems involving converting units in different contexts

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Use known units of measure and their equivalents to solve problems

Common misconception

The most common mistake pupils will make when faced with these sorts of questions is not taking into account the unit conversion that needs to take place if the units of measure are mixed.

You may wish to consider drawing extra attention to the fact that the units of measure are different when presenting the Practice tasks, for example highlighting them in different colours if appropriate.


  • Convert - Change a value or expression from one form to another, such as grams into kilograms.


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6 Questions

How many months are there in one year?
Correct Answer: 12, twelve
How many minutes are there in one hour?
Correct Answer: 60, sixty
28 × 10 =
Correct Answer: 280
Match the imperial measurement to the metric measurement that is most similar and used to measure a similar thing.
Correct Answer:gallons,litres


Correct Answer:ounces,grams


Correct Answer:miles,kilometres


Which of these statements is true?
5 km = 5 miles
5 km is approximately 8 miles
Correct answer: 8 km is approximately 5 miles
4.5 × 2 =
Correct Answer: 9

6 Questions

Laura and her family are going on holiday. They are spending 2 weeks in Spain and 2 days in Portugal. How long are they on holiday for altogether, in days? days
Correct Answer: 16, sixteen
It’s the summer holidays for the children of Oak Academy. They have four weeks and three days off. How long do they have off altogether, in days? days.
Correct Answer: 31
Laura and Andeep are competing against each other to beat a tricky level on Space Blasters. Laura clears it in exactly two hours and Andeep takes 115 minutes. Which of these statements is correct?
Correct answer: Laura is quicker by 5 minutes.
Andeep is quicker by 5 minutes.
Laura is quicker by 113 minutes.
Andeep lives 10 miles away from a theme park. Laura lives 20 km away from the theme park. How much further away does Laura live? km (5 miles is approximately 8 km)
Correct Answer: 4
Laura’s mum has a 2 gallon petrol can which is full. She accidentally knocks it over. 7 litres spill out of it. How much petrol is left in the can? l (1 gallon is approximately 4.5 l)
Correct Answer: 2
Laura’s mum has a 2 gallon petrol can. It is not full. It currently holds 5 litres. How much more petrol does it need to fill it? It needs l more to fill it. (1 gallon is approximately 4 l)
Correct Answer: 4