Year 4

Describe translations of polygons drawn on a square grid

I can describe translations of polygons drawn on a square grid.

Year 4

Describe translations of polygons drawn on a square grid

I can describe translations of polygons drawn on a square grid.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. If a shape has moved you say it has been translated.
  2. If a shape has moved, you can describe the move using left, right, up, down and the number of squares moved.
  3. A shape can be translated in a vertical and horizontal direction.

Common misconception

Pupils might miscount the number of squares moved horizontally or vertically, resulting in an inaccurate translation.

Encourage pupils to count the number of squares carefully from the original position, possibly using a ruler or finger to help guide their counting. Practice with simpler shapes before moving to more complex polygons.


  • Translated / translating - Translation is a transformation in which every point of a shape moves the same distance in the same direction. The act of moving is to translate.

  • Translation - Translation is a transformation in which every point of a shape moves the same distance in the same direction.

Reinforce the difference between horizontal (left/right) and vertical (up/down) movements through visual aids, such as labeled arrows on the grid, and by practicing each type of movement separately before combining them.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Sofia gives directions to translate polygon A to B. She says, ‘translate A 2 squares down’. Is she correct?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: No
Jacob gives directions to translate polygon A to B. He says, ‘translate A 3 squares right.’ Is he correct?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Yes
Jacob gives directions to translate polygon A to B. He says, ‘3 places right, 3 down.’ Is he correct?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Yes
Complete the sentence to describe the translation from A to B. 1 square down and squares right.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 3, three
Which of these correctly describes the translation from A to B?
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Correct answer: 1 square left. 4 squares up.
1 square right. 4 squares up.
1 square left. 3 squares up.
Sofia translated the polygon from A to B. What directions will translate the polygon back to its original position?
An image in a quiz
4 squares down. 2 squares left.
4 squares up. 3 squares left.
Correct answer: 4 squares down. 3 squares left.

6 Questions

Select the correct word to make the sentence complete. _____________ is a transformation in which every point of a shape moves the same distance in the same direction.
Correct answer: Translation
What translation is needed to move the polygon from A to B?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 5 squares right and 3 squares up.
5 squares right and 4 squares up.
6 squares right and 3 squares up.
Lucas wants to translate the polygon from B to A. Which translation is incorrect?
An image in a quiz
2 squares right and 4 squares up.
4 squares up and 2 squares right.
Correct answer: 5 squares up and 3 squares right.
What can you mark on a shape to help you translate it accurately?
Correct answer: Vertex or vertices
The exact middle
Look at Sofia’s directions. Which image shows the correct translation? 3 squares right and 1 square up. What’s the new position?
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Match the direction which describe the translations to the shapes.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:Shape A,3 squares right, 4 squares down

3 squares right, 4 squares down

Correct Answer:Shape B,9 squares right, 1 square up

9 squares right, 1 square up

Correct Answer:Shape C,4 squares right, 2 squares up

4 squares right, 2 squares up