Year 5

Divide a 2-digit by a 1-digit number using representations with exchanging and remainders

You can divide a 2-digit by a 1-digit number using representations with exchanging and remainders

Year 5

Divide a 2-digit by a 1-digit number using representations with exchanging and remainders

You can divide a 2-digit by a 1-digit number using representations with exchanging and remainders

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Partitioning the dividend into tens and ones helps when dividing a 2-digit by a 1-digit number.
  2. If the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor, there will be a remainder.
  3. If the remainder is a number of tens, you can exchange the tens for ones and continue to divide.
  4. If the number of ones is not a multiple of the divisor, there will be a remainder as part of the quotient.

Common misconception

Pupils may forget to record the remainder.

Remind children that if the ones are not divisible there will be a remainder and that this is expressed as 'r'.


  • Remainder - A remainder is an amount left over after division.

  • Regroup / regrouping - The process of unitising and exchanging between place values is known as regrouping.

When considering a division equation which consists of a quotient with a remainder, ask children if they were ever in a situation where they had to share and there was something left over.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

I can make groups of 3 ones from the dividend 36.
Correct answer: 12
For the division equation: 32 ÷ 2 You have to regroup 1 ten for ones.
Correct Answer: 10, ten, Ten
When dividing 70 by 5, how many 10s will you have to regroup for 1s?
1 ten for 10 ones.
Correct answer: 2 tens for 20 ones.
3 tens for 30 ones.
Look at the image representing 80 ÷ 5 What value goes in the blank space?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 30, Thirty , thirty
Match the division equations to the correct instances of regrouping.
Correct Answer:44 ÷ 2 , 0 regroup

0 regroup

Correct Answer:52 ÷ 4,regroup 1 ten

regroup 1 ten

Correct Answer:48 ÷ 2, 0 regroup

0 regroup

Correct Answer:50 ÷ 3,regroup 2 tens

regroup 2 tens

Solve the following question: 95 ÷ 5 = Record your calculation using an informal written method.
Correct Answer: 19, nineteen, Nineteen

6 Questions

Order the division expressions in ascending order.
1 - 12 ÷ 12
2 - 55 ÷ 11
3 - 40 ÷ 5
4 - 33 ÷ 3
19 cupcakes are shared between 4 children. Choose the correct statement for the representation.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Each child gets 4 cupcakes with 3 leftover. This can be written as 4 r 3
Each child gets 3 cupcakes with 4 leftover. This can be written as 3 r 4
Each child gets 19 cupcakes with 3 leftover. This can be written as 19 r 3
Match the division equation with the correct amount of regrouping.
Correct Answer:40 ÷ 4 =,0 regroup

0 regroup

Correct Answer:50 ÷ 4 =,regroup 1 ten

regroup 1 ten

Correct Answer:60 ÷ 4 =,regroup 2 tens

regroup 2 tens

Correct Answer:70 ÷ 4 =,regroup 3 tens

regroup 3 tens

Your divisor is 7. By partitioning the dividend of 57, identify what the remainder will be. Write your answer in numeral form.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 1
Which division expressions have an answer of 2 r 2?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: b
Correct answer: e
Solve the word problem using an informal method: 59 glow sticks are shared equally between 3 classes. How many glowsticks does each class get? Write your answer in numeral form.
Correct Answer: 19 r 2, 19r2, 19 r2, 19r 2