Divide using short division with regrouping and remainders
I can divide using short division with regrouping and remainders.
Divide using short division with regrouping and remainders
I can divide using short division with regrouping and remainders.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If the hundreds number is not a multiple of the divisor then the remainder is regrouped for tens.
- If the tens number is not a multiple of the divisor then the remainder is regrouped for ones.
- If the ones number is not a multiple of the divisor then there will be a remainder in the answer.
- The partial quotients are recorded above the dividend in the correct place value columns.
Remainder - A remainder is an amount left over after division (it happens when the dividend does not divide exactly by the divisor).
Regroup / regrouping - The process of unitising and exchanging between place values is known as regrouping.
Common misconception
Pupils not understanding why they may have to regroup or what the regrouped amount represents.
Ask pupils 'What does this digit represent?' draw attention to place value and use continue to use language of unitisation.
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