Use short division when the hundreds digit is smaller than the divisor
I can use short division when the hundreds digit is smaller than the divisor.
Use short division when the hundreds digit is smaller than the divisor
I can use short division when the hundreds digit is smaller than the divisor.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If the hundreds digit is smaller than the divisor then it is exchanged for tens and included with the tens digit
- If the 100s digit is smaller than the divisor then no partial product is recorded above the 100s digit of the dividend
Dividend - What we are dividing.
Divisor - What we are dividing by.
Quotient - The result after division has taken place.
Regroup / Regrouping - The process of unitising and exchanging between place values.
Common misconception
Pupils may confuse the terminology of dividend and divisor. Pupils may regroup the incorrect amount.
Ensure pupils can identify the dividend and the divisor. Use language of unitisation to correct any place value misconceptions.
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