Year 4

Identify when there will be a remainder

I can use knowledge of times tables and divisibility rules to identify when there will be a remainder.

Year 4

Identify when there will be a remainder

I can use knowledge of times tables and divisibility rules to identify when there will be a remainder.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. If the dividend is a multiple of the divisor, there will be no remainder.
  2. If the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor, there will be a remainder.
  3. Times table knowledge can help to identify if there will be a remainder.
  4. The rules of divisibility can help to identify if there will be a remainder.

Common misconception

Children may work inefficiently, e.g. they may find the digit sum of 27 to find if it is a multiple of 6, instead of first reasoning that it cannot be because it is an odd number.

Encourage children to consider what they know about a number first (e.g. all even numbers have even multiples) before applying other parts of rules so that they work in the most efficient way. Display models of these to enable recall of them.


  • Dividend - The dividend is the whole amount to be divided into groups or divided into equal parts. It is what we are dividing.

  • Divisor - The divisor is the number in each group or the number of equal parts that the whole is divided into or between. It is what we are dividing by.

  • Remainder - A remainder is the amount left over after division when the dividend does not divide exactly by the divisor.

Before solving a division problem, encourage children to consider the numbers involved. E.g. whether the dividend is a multiple of the divisor; whether they can use knowledge of times tables for numbers that lie within them and whether they can apply rules of divisibility for larger numbers.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

1. A remainder in a division equation is always __________ the divisor.
greater than
equal to
Correct answer: less than
Which of these representations shows 23 ÷ 5?
Correct answer: C
Which equation does this number line represent?
An image in a quiz
24 ÷ 4 = 6
25 ÷ 4 = 6 r 1
26 ÷ 4 = 6 r 2
Correct answer: 27 ÷ 4 = 6 r 3
Which equation represents this image correctly?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 25 ÷ 6 = 4 r 1
25 ÷ 6 = 3 r 7
Match each division expression to the result of it.
Correct Answer:56 ÷ 8 =,7


Correct Answer:58 ÷ 8 = ,7 r 2

7 r 2

Correct Answer:59 ÷ 8 = ,7 r 3

7 r 3

Correct Answer:62 ÷ 8 = ,7 r 6

7 r 6

Correct Answer:64 ÷ 8 = ,8


The remainder when 70 is divided by 12 is
Correct Answer: 10, ten

6 Questions

1. Match the parts of the sentence correctly.
Correct Answer:There will be no remainder,if the dividend is a multiple of the divisor.

if the dividend is a multiple of the divisor.

Correct Answer:There will be a remainder,if the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor.

if the dividend is not a multiple of the divisor.

Which of the following will not have a remainder?
48 ÷ 9
Correct answer: 48 ÷ 8
48 ÷ 7
Correct answer: 48 ÷ 6
42 balls are sorted into 8 buckets for sports day. Are there any balls left over?
Correct answer: Yes, because 42 is not a multiple of 8
No, there are no balls left over
Which of these numbers will have a remainder when the divisor is 7?
Correct answer: 37
Correct answer: 47
Correct answer: 60
We know that multiples of 3 have a digit sum that is divisible by 3 Which of these numbers will have a remainder when divided by 3?
Correct answer: 55
Correct answer: 56
Multiples of 9 have a digit sum that is divisible by 9 Which of these numbers will have a remainder when divided by 9?
Correct answer: 145
Correct answer: 163