Solve division problems involving grouping, including those with remainders
I can solve division problems involving grouping, sometimes with remainders.
Solve division problems involving grouping, including those with remainders
I can solve division problems involving grouping, sometimes with remainders.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- A multiplication equation can be written to solve division problems.
- A division equation can be written to solve division problems.
- The number of equal groups in a number can be found by counting forwards.
- The number of equal groups in a number can be found by counting backwards.
- Counting forwards is usually easier because multiplication facts can be used to help.
Grouping - Grouping is when we divide a number of objects into equal groups. We know the total number of objects and the number of objects in each group, but we do not know how many equal groups there are.
Division - Division means splitting into equal parts or groups
Divisor - The divisor is what we are dividing by.
Remainder - A remainder is the amount left over after division when the dividend does not divide exactly by the divisor.
Common misconception
Children may not understand division as repeated subtraction because they can count forwards to find the number of equal groups in a number.
On a number line, show how counting forwards and backwards in multiples results in the same answer. Discuss the difficulty of using tables facts to count backwards when there is a remainder, so they understand why counting forwards is more efficient.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
making groups with the same number of objects in each group
splitting into equal parts or groups
what we are dividing by
the amount left over after a division
18 ÷ 9 = 2
42 ÷ 7 = 6
40 ÷ 8 = 5
28 ÷ 4 = 7
6 × 3 + 2
4 × 5 + 3
3 × 6 + 1
6 × 4 + 1