Year 4

Subtract a proper fraction from a mixed number crossing the whole

I can subtract a proper fraction from a mixed number crossing the whole.

Year 4

Subtract a proper fraction from a mixed number crossing the whole

I can subtract a proper fraction from a mixed number crossing the whole.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Rods or number lines can be used to support subtracting fractions from whole or mixed numbers.
  2. Mixed numbers can be expressed as improper fractions to aid subtraction.
  3. If an answer to a calculation is an improper fraction, this should be expressed as a mixed number.
  4. Improper fractions can be subtracted in the same way as proper fractions.

Common misconception

Children may not understand that a one can be exchanged from a whole and the fraction rewritten. E.g. four can be rewritten as three and five-fifths to add subtraction of an amount of fifths.

Use of rods or drawings will support children to understand this exchange. Four is the same as three and one; one is the same as five fifths so four is the same and three and five fifths.


  • Mixed number - A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction combined.

  • Improper fraction - An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.


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6 Questions

Ten one-tenths is equivalent to whole.
Correct Answer: one, a, 1
$$ {8} \over {10}$$ - $$ {6} \over {10}$$ =
$$ {14} \over {10}$$
Correct answer: $$ {2} \over {10}$$
$$ {14} \over {20}$$
$$ {2} \over {0}$$
$$ {1} \over {10}$$
Match the expressions to the difference.
Correct Answer:$$ {2} \over {4}$$,$$ {3} \over {4}$$ − $$ {1} \over {4}$$

$$ {3} \over {4}$$ − $$ {1} \over {4}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {1} \over {4}$$ ,$$ {3} \over {4}$$ − $$ {2} \over {4}$$

$$ {3} \over {4}$$ − $$ {2} \over {4}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {1} \over {5}$$ ,$$ {3} \over {5}$$ − $$ {2} \over {5}$$

$$ {3} \over {5}$$ − $$ {2} \over {5}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {2} \over {5}$$ ,$$ {4} \over {5}$$ − $$ {2} \over {5}$$

$$ {4} \over {5}$$ − $$ {2} \over {5}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {2} \over {8}$$,$$ {6} \over {8}$$ − $$ {4} \over {8}$$

$$ {6} \over {8}$$ − $$ {4} \over {8}$$

Use the part-part-whole model to express $$ {15} \over {6}$$ as a mixed number.
An image in a quiz
$$ {3} \over {6}$$
$$ {12} \over {6}$$
$$1{{9} \over {6}}$$
$$2{{1} \over {6}}$$
Correct answer: $$2{{3} \over {6}}$$
Match the improper fractions to their equivalent mixed number.
Correct Answer:$$ {9} \over {5}$$,$$1{{4} \over {5}}$$

$$1{{4} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {18} \over {5}$$,$$3{{3} \over {5}}$$

$$3{{3} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {29} \over {5}$$ ,$$5{{4} \over {5}}$$

$$5{{4} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {34} \over {5}$$ ,$$6{{4} \over {5}}$$

$$6{{4} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {46} \over {5}$$ ,$$9{{1} \over {5}}$$

$$9{{1} \over {5}}$$

Match the mixed number to their equivalent improper fraction.
Correct Answer:$$2{{4} \over {9}}$$ ,$$ {22} \over {9}$$

$$ {22} \over {9}$$

Correct Answer:$$3{{4} \over {5}}$$,$$ {19} \over {5}$$

$$ {19} \over {5}$$

Correct Answer:$$1{{6} \over {9}}$$ ,$$ {15} \over {9}$$

$$ {15} \over {9}$$

Correct Answer:$$2{{1} \over {5}}$$ ,$$ {11} \over {5}$$

$$ {11} \over {5}$$

Correct Answer:$$5{{3} \over {9}}$$,$$ {48} \over {9}$$

$$ {48} \over {9}$$

6 Questions

Use the number line to calculate 6 − $$ {3} \over {4}$$ =
An image in a quiz
$$ {3} \over {4}$$
$$5{{3} \over {4}}$$
$$5{{2} \over {4}}$$
Correct answer: $$5{{1} \over {4}}$$
Match the expression to its difference.
Correct Answer:4 − $$ {3} \over {4}$$ ,$$3{{1} \over {4}}$$

$$3{{1} \over {4}}$$

Correct Answer:4 − $$ {3} \over {5}$$,$$3{{2} \over {5}}$$

$$3{{2} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:4 − $$ {1} \over {5}$$ ,$$3{{4} \over {5}}$$

$$3{{4} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:4 − $$ {2} \over {5}$$,$$3{{3} \over {5}}$$

$$3{{3} \over {5}}$$

Correct Answer:4 − $$ {1} \over {4}$$,$$3{{3} \over {4}}$$

$$3{{3} \over {4}}$$

Calculate this. $$5{{1} \over {4}}$$ − $$ {3} \over {4}$$ =
$$5{4} \over {4}$$
$$4{{1} \over {4}}$$
Correct answer: $$4{{2} \over {4}}$$
$$4{{3} \over {4}}$$
Match the expression to its difference.
Correct Answer:$$2{{4} \over {6}}$$,$$3{{1} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {3} \over {6}$$

$$3{{1} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {3} \over {6}$$

Correct Answer:$$1{{5} \over {6}}$$,$$2{{2} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {3} \over {6}$$

$$2{{2} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {3} \over {6}$$

Correct Answer:$$1{{3} \over {6}}$$,$$2{{1} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {4} \over {6}$$

$$2{{1} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {4} \over {6}$$

Correct Answer:$$3{{5} \over {6}}$$,$$4{{3} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {4} \over {6}$$

$$4{{3} \over {6}}$$ − $$ {4} \over {6}$$

Andeep has three metres of rope. He cuts off six-tenths of a metre. There is two and tenths metres left.
Correct Answer: four, 4
Izzy has four and two-tenth litres of water in a bucket. She uses six tenths of a litre to water some plants. How much water does she have left in her bucket?
$$4{{8} \over {10}}$$
$$3{{5} \over {10}}$$
Correct answer: $$3{{6} \over {10}}$$
$$3{{7} \over {10}}$$