Year 3

Solve problems involving length

I can solve problems involving length.

Year 3

Solve problems involving length

I can solve problems involving length.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Data can be collected to help solve a problem involving length.
  2. When we collect data, we need to decide which units to measure in: mm, cm or m.
  3. Representing data as a bar graph can help us interpret the data.

Common misconception

Drawing tables and graphs from scratch can be tricky for some children.

Provide scaffolds of tables and graphs where necessary.


  • Data - Data is a collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations or even just descriptions of things.

  • Interpret - When we interpret anything, including data, we explain its meaning.

Complete this lesson practically where possible encouraging 'point in time' measurements so that the data can be considered discrete. Cross-curricula links to science and using the data handling cycle in science.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which measuring unit would you use to measure the height of a kitten?
Correct answer: cm
Estimate the length of this branch.
An image in a quiz
1 m
2 m
Correct answer: 5 m
10 m
Look at this table. Starting with the child who threw the shortest distance, order the children by how far they threw the tennis ball.
An image in a quiz
1 - Laura
2 - Jacob
3 - Andeep
4 - Izzy
Look at the bar graph comparing the height of some famous towers. Match the tower to its height.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:Big Ben,100 m

100 m

Correct Answer:Eiffel Tower,300 m

300 m

Correct Answer:Blackpool Tower,150 m

150 m

Correct Answer:Leaning Tower of Pisa,60 m

60 m

Look at the bar graph comparing the height of some famous towers. Which tower is the tallest?
An image in a quiz
Big Ben
Correct answer: Eiffel Tower
Blackpool Tower
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Look at the bar graph comparing the height of some famous towers. How much taller is the Eiffel Tower than the Leaning Tower of Pisa (which is 60 m tall)?
An image in a quiz
60 m
Correct answer: 240 m
300 m
360 m

6 Questions

Explaining the meaning of something, such as data is known as .
Correct answer: interpreting
Laura is wondering if the famous towers that she knows are all taller than 100 m. Match the part of the data handling cycle to what Laura will need to do.
Correct Answer:Pose a question or statement.,All famous towers are taller than 100 m.

All famous towers are taller than 100 m.

Correct Answer:Collect data.,Research into the heights of towers, given in metres.

Research into the heights of towers, given in metres.

Correct Answer:Represent the data.,Draw a bar graph to compare their heights.

Draw a bar graph to compare their heights.

Correct Answer:Interpret the data.,Do all the towers have bars that are taller than 100 m?

Do all the towers have bars that are taller than 100 m?

Look at the graph comparing the heights of the famous towers. Are all towers taller than 100 m?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: No
Andeep wants to know if all children in his Year 3 class can kick a ball further than 30 m. Starting with the first step, order these statements to help Andeep decide what he needs to do.
1 - Estimate the length the ball will be kicked.
2 - Decide which measuring unit to use.
3 - Measure the distance that each child kicks the ball.
4 - Record the results in a table.
5 - Show the results in a bar graph comparing the lengths.
6 - Answer his statement using the bar graph.
Looking at the graph that Andeep drew, what can you interpret? Tick each option that is a correct interpretation.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Jacob kicked the ball the shortest distance.
Correct answer: Andeep kicked the ball the longest distance.
Andeep kicked the ball 30 m further than Izzy.
Laura kicked the ball 55 m.
Looking at the graph that Andeep drew, did all children kick the ball further than 30 m?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Yes