Year 5

Explain how to compare amounts of money without converting

I can explain how to compare amounts of money without converting.

Year 5

Explain how to compare amounts of money without converting

I can explain how to compare amounts of money without converting.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Use understanding of comparing numbers with two decimal places to compare money.
  2. If the pounds value is the same, look to the 10p column to compare the amounts of money.
  3. If the pounds and 10p values are the same, look to the 1p column to compare the amounts of money.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that if money amount is made up of more coins it must have a higher value.

Encourage pupils to group their coins and set them out in order. Focus on the highest value digit first.


  • Compare - You can compare to find out what is the same and what is different.

  • Inequality symbol - An inequality symbol is used to show that one number or measurement is not equal to another.

  • Greater than / less than - Greater than means a number is bigger than another number and less than means it is smaller.

  • Ascending - Ascending order is when items are arranged from smallest to largest.

  • Descending - Descending order is when items are arranged from largest to smallest.

Using real or plastic coins is an excellent approach as it allows pupils to manipulate and group the coins. This should, however, be treated as a scaffold and gradually removed as confidence and proficiency increase.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Sort the following numbers so that they are in ascending order.
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 7
4 - 13
Sort the following numbers so that they are in descending order.
1 - 19.9
2 - 9.9
3 - 9.1
4 - 9
5 - 0.9
Match the symbol with the correct meaning.
Correct Answer:<,less than

less than

Correct Answer:>,greater than

greater than

Correct Answer:=,equals


Which of these symbols would make the number sentence correct? £87 _ 87 p
Correct answer: >
Look at the image. How much money is shown?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: £3.16
How much money is here?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: £4.03

6 Questions

True or false: £3.08 < £3.80
Correct answer: True
False: it should be £3.08 > £3.80
False: it should be £3.08 = £3.80
Which symbol needs to be inserted to correctly compare the two amounts of money shown?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: >
Insert the correct inequality symbol to compare these money totals. £3.67 £3.76
Correct Answer: <
Which of these options shows the values in correct descending order?
£1.99, £3.28, £5, £7.50, £8
Correct answer: £8, £7.50, £5, £3.28, £1.99
£8, £7.50, £3.28, £5, £1.99
Sort the following money values so that they are in ascending order.
1 - 76 p
2 - £0.98
3 - £4.32
4 - £9.80
5 - £14.32
Starting with the highest amount, sort the following money values so that they are in descending order.
1 - £8.75
2 - £8.57
3 - £7.85
4 - £7.58
5 - £5.87