Position five-digit multiples of 1,000 on a marked but unlabelled number line
I can position five-digit multiples of one thousand on a marked but unlabelled number line.
Position five-digit multiples of 1,000 on a marked but unlabelled number line
I can position five-digit multiples of one thousand on a marked but unlabelled number line.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Counting on and back identifies the unlabelled marks on the number line.
- Thinking about the value of the digits helps to position numbers on a number line.
- Work out which points a number lies between to help position it on a number line.
Scaling - Scaling is when a given quantity is made ___ times the size. In this lesson, scaling will involve making values 1,000 times the size.
Multiple - A multiple is the result of multiplying a number by an integer (not by a fraction).
Common misconception
Pupils struggle to position five-digit multiples of 1,000 on a 0-100,000 number line.
It is important to check if pupils are secure in placing two-digit numbers on a 0-100 number line. This is a fundamental prerequisite to be able to achieve with this learning, so spending time securing this prior learning may be necessary.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions