Year 6

Use long division with decimal remainders

I can use long division and give the remainder as a decimal.

Year 6

Use long division with decimal remainders

I can use long division and give the remainder as a decimal.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Fraction and decimal equivalence can be used to convert fraction remainders to decimals.
  2. 1 one is equivalent to 10 tenths so a 1 can be exchanged for 10 tenths in the tenths column.
  3. Continue to regroup until the number of the decimal fraction is a multiple of the divisor.

Common misconception

Pupils do not convert fractions to decimals accurately.

Take time to remind pupils about key equivalences such as one-half is 0.5 and one-fifth is 0.2 Pupils can use these to check the reasonableness of their answers.


  • Remainder - A remainder is an amount left after a division.

  • Decimal - A decimal number has a decimal point followed by digits that show the fractional part.

  • Equivalent - Equivalent refers to when two or more things have the same value.

While extending the long division algorithm to include decimal values is shared as a strategy, pupils are more likely to prefer finding a fraction remainder to convert to a decimal.
Teacher tip



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6 Questions

Use the multiplication facts to derive 31 × 16 =
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 496
Match the fractions with an equivalent fraction.
Correct Answer:$$ {1} \over{2}$$,$$ {32} \over{64}$$

$$ {32} \over{64}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {1} \over{5}$$,$$ {13} \over{65}$$

$$ {13} \over{65}$$

Correct Answer:$$ {7} \over{8}$$,$$ {49} \over{56}$$

$$ {49} \over{56}$$

Match the fractions with an equivalent decimal.
Correct Answer:$$ {1} \over{2}$$,0.5


Correct Answer:$$ {1} \over{5}$$,0.2


Correct Answer:$$ {3} \over{4}$$,0.75


Match the division equations to their simplified fraction remainders.
Correct Answer:282 ÷ 4 = 70,$$ {1} \over{2}$$

$$ {1} \over{2}$$

Correct Answer:646 ÷ 8 = 80,$$ {3} \over{4}$$

$$ {3} \over{4}$$

Correct Answer:543 ÷ 9 = 60,$$ {1} \over{3}$$

$$ {1} \over{3}$$

Which of these correctly show the result with a simplified fraction remainder?
482 ÷ 16 = 31 $$ {2} \over{16}$$
Correct answer: 482 ÷ 16 = 30 $$ {1} \over{8}$$
482 ÷ 16 = 32 $$ {1} \over{8}$$
In June, one giraffe at the zoo ate 1,370kg of acacia leaves. How many kg did the giraffe eat each day? Which of these correctly show the result with a simplified fraction remainder?
Correct answer: 1,370 ÷ 30 = 45 $$ {2} \over{3}$$
1,370 ÷ 30 = 45 $$ {1} \over{2}$$
1,370 ÷ 30 = 45 $$ {4} \over{5}$$

6 Questions

Match the different ways to represent a division remainder with their example.
Correct Answer:As a remainder,282 ÷ 4 = 70 r2

282 ÷ 4 = 70 r2

Correct Answer:As a simplified fraction,282 ÷ 4 = 70 $$ {1} \over{2}$$

282 ÷ 4 = 70 $$ {1} \over{2}$$

Correct Answer:As a decimal fraction,282 ÷ 4 = 70.5

282 ÷ 4 = 70.5

Select the answer which would be best to use for the following question: 283 flamingos need to be shared between 4 different zoos, how many flamingos would there be at each zoo?
Correct answer: 283 ÷ 4 = 70 r3 Remainder
283 ÷ 4 = 70.75 Decimal Fraction
283 ÷ 4 = 70 $$ {3} \over{4}$$ Simplified Fraction
Select the answer which would be best to use for the following question: It costs £283 per week to feed 4 sea lions at the zoo. How much does it cost to feed one sea lion each week?
283 ÷ 4 = 70 r3 Remainder
Correct answer: 283 ÷ 4 = 70.75 Decimal Fraction
283 ÷ 4 = 70 $$ {3} \over{4}$$ Simplified Fraction
Select the answer which would be best to use: Some bears have cooked potatoes as part of their diet. 283 potatoes are shared equally between 4 bears, how many potatoes does each each bear have?
283 ÷ 4 = 70 r3 Remainder
283 ÷ 4 = 70.75 Decimal Fraction
Correct answer: 283 ÷ 4 = 70 $$ {3} \over{4}$$ Simplified Fraction
Buddy’s dog food costs £561 per year. Buddy eats one bag of food each month. How much does one of Buddy’s food bags cost? Give your answer as a decimal in pounds. £ per bag.
Correct Answer: 46.75
Pratchett the tortoise walks 3.675km in June. How far did he walk each day? Give your answer as a decimal, in metres. m per day.
Correct Answer: 122.5