Year 5

Identify and place negative numbers on a number line

I can identify and place negative numbers on a number line.

Year 5

Identify and place negative numbers on a number line

I can identify and place negative numbers on a number line.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Counting backwards can continue past zero and include negative numbers.
  2. Positioning negative numbers on marked and partially marked number lines.
  3. Understanding that fractions and decimals can be positive or negative.

Common misconception

Fractions and decimals less than one are positioned to the left of zero or are negative in value.

Using a number line 0 to 1, label different fractions and decimals and show pupils that, though small in size, they are greater than zero.


  • Interval - An interval is what is between two values. On a scale, intervals are shown using a small mark or line to show the space between.

Pupils who grasp the idea that fractions and decimals exist between both positive and negative numbers on a number line can be encouraged to explore their own negative fraction and decimal values and place them accordingly onto the number line.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Which of the following means 'negative'? Tick all that apply.
Correct answer: less than zero
greater than zero
equal to zero
Correct answer: lower than zero
Correct answer: below zero
Which of these numbers would appear to the left of zero on a horizontal number line?
Correct answer: −15
Correct answer: −99
Correct answer: −2
Describe the distances of −8 and 7 on a number line. Tick all options that apply.
−8 is closer to zero.
Correct answer: 7 is closer to zero.
Correct answer: −8 is further from zero.
7 is further from zero.
They are the same distance from zero.
Which negative number is the same distance from zero as 8?
Correct Answer: -8, - 8, negative eight, minus eight, minus 8
Order the following values as they would appear on a horizontal number line, from right to left.
1 - 5
2 - 0
3 - −5
4 - −55
5 - −555
Look at the section of number line. The number line is going up in steps of .
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Correct Answer: 5, five

6 Questions

Tick all the statements that are true of this number line.
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Correct answer: It has marked intervals.
Correct answer: It has unmarked intervals.
Correct answer: It shows both positive and negative values.
Correct answer: The marked intervals are going up in tens.
The unmarked intervals are going up in ones.
Look at the section of the number line. What number is the arrow pointing to?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: −3
Look at the section of the number line. The arrow is pointing to .
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Correct Answer: -9, - 9, negative 9 , negative nine, minus nine
Look at the section of the number line. What number is the arrow pointing to?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: −40
Tick all the values that could label the intervals on this number line.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: −50
Correct answer: 25
Correct answer: −75
What number is exactly halfway between −6 and −5?
There is no number in between −6 and −5.
Correct answer: −5.5