Composition of seven-digit numbers
I can explain how a 7-digit number can be composed.
Composition of seven-digit numbers
I can explain how a 7-digit number can be composed.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Known facts and unitising can be applied when partitioning 7-digit numbers.
- If the missing part is an addend then the other addend is subtracted from the sum
- If the missing part is the subtrahend then the difference is subtracted from the minuend
Addend - An addend is a number added to another to give a sum. The addends are the parts.
Minuend - The first number in a subtraction is known as the minuend. It is the whole amount.
Subtrahend - The number that is to be subtracted. The second number in a subtraction.
Common misconception
Children may find it difficult to comprehend that e.g. 1,200,000 may have a digit '2' in the one hundred thousands place but is actually composed of 12 hundred thousands.
Even though the digit in the 100,000s place is a 2, the number 1,200,000 is composed of 12 hundred thousands because one million is composed of 10 hundred thousands.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
Exit quiz
6 Questions
1,000 thousands
100 thousands
100 hundreds
10 hundreds
10 tens