Year 3

Draw polygons on isometric paper

I can draw polygons on isometric paper.

Year 3

Draw polygons on isometric paper

I can draw polygons on isometric paper.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Different patterns on the paper allow you to draw polygons with different properties.
  2. A ruler helps to draw shapes accurately.
  3. Mark the vertices of the shape and join them with a ruler to create polygons.

Common misconception

Pupils may not identify when a polygon has more than one pair of parallel or perpendicular sides especially when the polygon is not a rectangle.

Make use of right angle checkers to identify that some shapes have more than one right angle and take time to link this to perpendicular sides.


  • Isometric - Isometric means distances between points stay the same. In this lesson we use isometric paper which has equally spaced dots or points.

  • Perpendicular - Two lines which meet at a right angle are perpendicular.

  • Parallel - Parallel lines are straight lines that are always the same distance apart. They never get closer together or further apart.

This lesson uses isometric paper of different types. You may wish to pre-prepare some additional paper so that pupils can explore creating lots of different polygons.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the shape with the number of right angles that it has.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:a,0


Correct Answer:b,1


Correct Answer:c,4


Correct Answer:d,2


Which of these shapes are quadrilaterals?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: a
Correct answer: c
Look at the image of the quadrilateral and correctly match the parts of the statements.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:It has one,pair of parallel sides.

pair of parallel sides.

Correct Answer:It has two ,pairs of perpendicular sides.

pairs of perpendicular sides.

Correct Answer:It has four,vertices.


Look at this pentagon. Which statements are true?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: It has two pairs of parallel sides.
It has two pairs of perpendicular sides
Correct answer: It has three right angles
What is true for all of these polygons?
An image in a quiz
They all have right angles.
They all have at least one pair of perpendicular sides.
Correct answer: They all have at least one pair of parallel sides.
Correct answer: They are all quadrilaterals.
Look at this polygon. Which statements are true?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: This polygon is a quadrilateral.
It has two right angles.
Correct answer: It has two pairs of parallel sides.
Correct answer: It has no perpendicular sides.
This polygon is a rectangle.

6 Questions

What are the properties of a rectangle?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 4 right angles
Correct answer: 4 pairs of perpendicular sides
4 pairs of parallel sides
4 equal sides
The lines on the isometric paper are __________ because they stay the same distance apart.
Correct answer: parallel
Izzy drew this polygon on isometric paper. Which of these statements is not true?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: The shape is a pentagon.
It has two pairs of parallel sides.
It has three right angles.
It has three pairs of perpendicular sides.
True or false. The number of right angles in a shape is the same as the number of pairs of perpendicular sides.
Correct answer: True
Match each shape to the correct description.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:A has,two pairs of parallel sides, no right angles, no perpendicular sides.

two pairs of parallel sides, no right angles, no perpendicular sides.

Correct Answer:B has,four right angles and two pairs of parallel sides.

four right angles and two pairs of parallel sides.

Correct Answer:C has,one pair of parallel sides, no right angles, no perpendicular sides.

one pair of parallel sides, no right angles, no perpendicular sides.

Correct Answer:D has,no parallel sides or perpendicular sides.

no parallel sides or perpendicular sides.

Look at the polygon drawn on isometric paper. Match the number with the description.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer:0,pairs of perpendicular sides

pairs of perpendicular sides

Correct Answer:3,pairs of parallel sides

pairs of parallel sides

Correct Answer:6,number of sides

number of sides