Year 3

Tell and write the time to the nearest minute past and to

I can tell and write the time to the nearest minute ‘past’ and ‘to’

Year 3

Tell and write the time to the nearest minute past and to

I can tell and write the time to the nearest minute ‘past’ and ‘to’

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. When the minute hand has gone beyond the 6, we count the minutes left to get to the next hour.
  2. The minute hand shows how many minutes past the hour it is.
  3. Between the hours on the clock face the scale also shows five minutes.
  4. After half past the hour we give the time as minutes to the next hour.

Common misconception

When showing times on clocks (for example drawing hands onto blank clock faces or manipulating mini-clocks with movable hands) pupils may not consider the position of the hour hand.

Frequent exposure to both examples and non-examples (such as those in the slide deck) will help pupils to see that the hour hand will not be in an 'o'clock' position if it is ___ minutes to ___.


  • Minutes past - How many minutes have gone by since the last hour.

  • Minutes to - How many minutes there are until the next hour.

Bead strings are used early in the lesson to model pairs of numbers that equal 60. Consider allowing pupils who still need support with the concepts or the arithmetic required to complete the Practice tasks using the bead strings as a scaffold.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

How many minutes are there in an hour?
Correct answer: 60
What do you add to 30 to make 60? 30 + = 60
Correct Answer: 30, 30., thirty, Thirty
What do you add to 40 to make 60? 60 = 40 +
Correct Answer: 20, 20., twenty, Twenty
What do you add to 35 to make 60? + 35 = 60
Correct Answer: 25, 25., twenty-five, twenty five
How many minutes past the hour is this? It is minutes past the hour.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 50, 50., fifty, Fifty
How can you describe the position of the minute hand? Select all that apply.
An image in a quiz
Quarter past
Correct answer: Quarter to
15 minutes past
Correct answer: 15 minutes to
Correct answer: 45 minutes past

6 Questions

Complete the stem sentence: If it is 42 minutes past the hour, it is minutes to the next hour.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 18, 18., eighteen, Eighteen
How many minutes to the hour is being shown on this clock?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 16
How many minutes to the hour is being shown on this clock? minutes to
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 6, 6., six, Six
Match the ‘minutes past’ times with the correct ‘minutes to’ times.
Correct Answer:40 minutes past,20 minutes to

20 minutes to

Correct Answer:37 minutes past,23 minutes to

23 minutes to

Correct Answer:47 minutes pat,13 minutes to

13 minutes to

The clock is showing minutes to 5
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 18, 18., eighteen, Eighteen
Match the ‘minutes past’ times with the correct ‘minutes to’ times.
Correct Answer:50 minutes past 2 ,10 minutes to 3

10 minutes to 3

Correct Answer:50 minutes past 1,10 minutes to 2

10 minutes to 2

Correct Answer:36 minutes past 4 ,24 minutes to 5

24 minutes to 5

Correct Answer:36 minutes past 3 ,24 minutes to 4

24 minutes to 4

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