Explain which is the most efficient factor to partition to solve a multiplication problem
I can explain which is the most efficient factor to partition to solve a multiplication problem.
Explain which is the most efficient factor to partition to solve a multiplication problem
I can explain which is the most efficient factor to partition to solve a multiplication problem.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Multiplying a number by a group of numbers added together is the same as doing each multiplication separately.
- This means a factor can be partitioned to solve multiplication problems more efficiently.
- It is important to consider which factor to partition so that it enables you to solve a problem more efficiently.
- The factor being partitioned can represent the group size or the number of groups.
Multiples - A multiple is the product of a number and an integer.
Partition - Partitioning is the act of splitting an object or value down into smaller parts.
Distributive Law - The distributive law says that multiplying a number by a group of numbers added together is the same as doing each multiplication separately.
Common misconception
Children may inaccurately describe which factor has been partitioned to solve a multiplication problem.
Present children with lots of opportunities to create arrays, split them using a partitioning line and describe what they see before going on to use this to calculate.
Starter quiz
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Exit quiz
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