Year 6

Problem solving using knowledge of the composition of powers of 10

I can solve problems using knowledge of the composition powers of 10

Year 6

Problem solving using knowledge of the composition of powers of 10

I can solve problems using knowledge of the composition powers of 10

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. An understanding of the composition of the powers of 10 supports us when we solve problems.
  2. If we know one-quarter of 1,000 is 250, we know one-quarter of 1,000 thousands (1,000,000) is 250 thousands (250,000)
  3. Just as with smaller numbers, word problems can be represented visually as a bar model.
  4. A bar model supports us to form an equation to then solve.

Common misconception

Children may misinterpret a word problem especially where they are insecure on the key words such as 'difference' or 'how much more'.

Teacher should model own thoughts when problem solving and encourage children to represent the word problems in a bar model. Construct bar models alongside a retelling of the problem so children can see where the mathematics is found.


  • Million - One million is composed of 1,000 thousands. One million is written as a one followed by six zeros.

Encourage children to visualise each problem - talk about what they see in their heads when they visualise it. Children will need to be confident in unitising and be able to relate the composition of 1,000 and 10,000 to 1 million and 10 million.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Look at the bar model and complete the sentence. Each part has a value of ___
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 250
Look at the bar model and complete the sentence. Each part has a value of ___
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 2,500
Complete the sentence. is one-tenth of 1,000
Correct Answer: 100, one hundred
Look at the bar model. Which equations can be formed from the bar model?
An image in a quiz
1,000 × 4 = ?
Correct answer: 1,000 ÷ 4 = ?
Correct answer: ? × 4 = 1,000
? ÷ 4 = 1,000
Laura thinks of a number. She says, “One-tenth of my number is 200”. What number is Laura thinking of?
Correct answer: 2,000
A and B represent different numbers on the number line. What is the difference between the two numbers?
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: 400, 400

6 Questions

Complete the sentence. If 250 is one-quarter of 1,000 then must be one-quarter of 1,000 thousands.
Correct Answer: 250,000, 250 thousand
If 2,000 is a fifth of 10,000 and 20,000 is a fifth of 100,000 then is one-fifth of 1,000,000
Correct Answer: 200,000, two hundred thousand
A detached house sells for £1,000,000 and a terrace house sells for one-fifth times this amount. How much does the terrace house sell for? The terrace house sells for £
Correct Answer: 200,000, £200,000
A detached house sells for £1,000,000 and a terrace house sells for one-fifth times this amount. How much more does the detached house sell for? The detached house is £ more.
Correct Answer: 800,000, £800,000, 800000
A detached house sells for £1,000,000 This is one-tenth of what a castle sells for. How much does the castle sell for? The castle sells for £
Correct Answer: 10,000,000, £10,000,000, 10000000
A detached house sells for £1,000,000 This is one-tenth of what a castle sells for. How much more expensive is the castle? The castle is £ more.
Correct Answer: 9,000,000, £9,000,000