Solve addition calculations mentally by using known facts in a range of contexts
I can solve addition calculations mentally by using known facts in a range of contexts.
Solve addition calculations mentally by using known facts in a range of contexts
I can solve addition calculations mentally by using known facts in a range of contexts.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If I increase this part by __ then the whole will increase by the same amount.
- If I decrease this part by __ then the whole will decrease by the same amount.
- A balance beam can represent unequal expressions or inequalities.
Whole - The whole is all the parts or everything, the total amount.
Part - A part is a piece or section of the whole.
Adjustment - An adjustment is a change to a number using either subtraction or addition.
Capacity - Capacity is the amount that something can hold.
Common misconception
Pupils may be very quick to try and use a written method such as columns here, particularly as the numbers get larger.
Encourage the children to refrain and reward them taking risks and avoiding using written methods as much as possible. Prove to them that it's quicker to do it in your head or with jottings by racing your fastest 'columns ' exponent!