Year 7

Problem solving with fractions and decimals

I can use my knowledge of fractions and decimals to solve problems.

Year 7

Problem solving with fractions and decimals

I can use my knowledge of fractions and decimals to solve problems.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Fractions can be used to solve problems in context.
  2. Converting to decimals may be useful to solve problems in context.
  3. It may be necessary to order a set of fractions and decimals to solve problems in context.
  4. Fractions and decimals can be useful in solving in many real world problems.

Common misconception

Assuming that there are 100 minutes in an hour and converting 3.25 hours to 3 hours 25 minutes.

Start with half an hour, pupils should be happy that half an hour is 30 mins, show it written as a decimal to highlight it's not 3.3 hours


  • Improper fraction - An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.

  • Proportion - Proportion is a part to whole (sometimes part to part) comparison.

At the beginning of the lesson have this question write on the board for pupils to consider as they enter the room. 'An ant starts 1 m away from a wall, each minute it moves half the distance to the wall. Will it ever reach the wall?'
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Two fractions are if they have the same value.
Correct Answer: equivalent
Andeep writes down the number 0.99 Select all the numbers below that are greater than Andeep's number.
Correct answer: 0.991
I am rolling a six sided dice and filling in two grids. Select the numbers that can replace $$a$$ so that the number in the first grid will be less than the number in the second grid.
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 2
Correct answer: 3
Correct answer: 4
I am rolling a six sided dice and filling in two grids. If $$a$$ = 5, which of the following numbers can replace $$b$$ so that the second number is less?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: 2
Correct answer: 3
Correct answer: 4
What fraction is halfway between $$\frac{8}{11}$$ and $$\frac{10}{11}$$?
Correct answer: $$\frac{99}{121}$$
Correct answer: $$\frac{153}{187}$$
What fraction is halfway between $$\frac{4}{7}$$ and $$1$$?
Correct answer: $$\frac{11}{14}$$

6 Questions

is a part to whole (sometimes part to part) comparison.
Correct Answer: Proportion, proportion
To compare $$\frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{3}{4}$$ and $$\frac{5}{6}$$ which common denominator would be the most efficient?
Correct answer: $$12$$
Izzy, Andeep, Lucas, Alex and Sam took part in a quiz. Below are the proportions for how many questions they each got right. Order them from worst to best.
1 - Alex $$\frac{17}{30}$$
2 - Lucas $$\frac{3}{5}$$
3 - Izzy $$\frac{2}{3}$$
4 - Andeep $$\frac{11}{15}$$
5 - Sam $$\frac{9}{10}$$
Jacob buys a drink and an ice cream. He also wants to buy a cupcake. He has £5. Can he afford to buy the cupcake?
An image in a quiz
Yes - he has £2.51 left to spend which is more than enough
Yes - he has exactly £1.58 left to spend which is the cost of the cupcake
No - he has spent £4.49
Correct answer: No - he has £1.51 left to spend which is not enough
Which item is the third most expensive?
An image in a quiz
ice cream
Correct answer: drink
A rectangle has a length of $$0.82$$ m and a width of $$\frac{2}{5}$$ m. What is the perimeter of the rectangle? Give your answer in decimal form.
Correct Answer: 2.44 m, 2.44m, 244cm, 244 cm